Jennie hums along to the song, and watches the city lights once they're off the highway. It's when she starts seeing familiar buildings that she gets torn out of her haze, remembering why she was so upset earlier, and why Y/n picked her up halfway frozen from the park.

She doesn't want to go home.

She doesn't want to deal with Roseanne's stubborn, hurt pride.

Jennie slowly pulls her phone out, not having checked it ever since Y/n picked her up, and sees a few missed calls and messages from her best friends as well as from Jisoo.

She opens the messages from the latter.

From Jisoo:

- Where are you???

- Lis called me all upset and shit

- Go back home baby

- Your Best friends are worried

Jennie sighs and messages her back, trying to ignore the ache in her chest. She hates fighting with anyone, much less with the people she considers to be her sisters, but she's hurt, and she's tired, and she just doesn't want to deal with it tonight.

To Jisoo:

- I'm out with Y/n

- Are you busy?

Jisoo texts back almost immediately.

From Jisoo:

- No

- Just got back home from my date

- Wanna come over???

To Jisoo:

- Yes pls

- Can i stay the night?

From Jisoo:

- Obviously

- I'll let Lisa and Roseanne know you're with me

To Jisoo:

- Thank u i love you

From Jisoo:

- Love you too babe

Jennie puts her phone away and gnaws on her lower lip for a while, feeling Y/n glance at her a few times, obviously not having missed her typing on her phone.

"Can you-" Jennie clears her throat. "Not drop me off at home, please?"

Y/n frowns. "Where then? It's late."

Oh man...

"I'm going to stay with Jisoo."

Y/n doesn't really react to her words, just keeps driving with her gaze firmly set on the road ahead.

Her voice has changed when she speaks again. It's deeper, and more guarded. "Why?"

Jennie gulps nervously and shrugs her shoulders. "I don't want to go home. I'm not in the mood for another scolding."

"I'm sure your friends regret what happened. You not going home won't resolve anything, Jennie."

"I know that," Jennie mumbles. "I will talk to them tomorrow. Just... not tonight."

Y/n's grip tightens on the steering wheel. "Can't you go somewhere else? Stay with someone else?"

Jennie sighs. "Like who? I can hardly stay with you, can I?"

She doesn't mean to say it like that. She doesn't know why she does, but Y/n flinches a little, and Jennie immediately regrets her words. "I'm sorry- I didn't-"

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