Chapter 29

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Jennie doesn't say anything or put up a fight, but she does brush the older's hand off.

Y/n opens the door to the van and waits for Jennie to climb in before following her and sliding the door shut again behind them, cutting off the freezing air from outside.

Luckily, only Jennie's legs were submerged in the water for the past thirty minutes or so, so her bikini's lower part isn't completely drenched at this point.

She's still shivering violently, her teeth chattering and fingers numb and red from the cold. Y/n looks at her and mutters a curse under her breath. She turns around and reaches for something in the back, pulling a clean towel out from one of the bags.

Y/n hands Jennie the towel and quietly watches Jennie dry herself off before rubbing the towel over her head.

She busies herself with the task for way longer than necessary, if only to annoy Y/n a bit more.

If Y/n really thinks of her as a bitch, then Jennie will be a bitch.

"Are you done?" Y/n asks after several minutes of Jennie rubbing her head with the towel.

"I'm done when I say I am." Jennie huffs and keeps going for another fifteen seconds before lowering the towel. "I'm done."

Y/n scoffs and shakes her head, at least until Jennie shoots a glare at her, which makes Y/n drop her head and let out a sigh. "Jennie. Look I'm... I'm sorry for yesterday, okay? I acted like a douchebag again and I said some things I shouldn't have. I'm really sorry."

Jennie keeps glaring at the girl even if the simple but earnest apology feels like a warm blanket around her wounded heart. Y/n watches her carefully, the long sleeves of her hoodie giving her sweater paws and making her look warm and cuddly.

"Why did you do that?" Jennie calmly asks. "You just... blew up on me out of nowhere."

Y/n sighs and lowers her gaze. "I don't know why I do the shit I do, Jennie."

"The things you said were really hurtful, Y/n." Jennie shrugs and shivers, wishing she would've grabbed her sweater from the pile outside on the blanket. "I just want to understand you."

Y/n looks pained at Jennie's words. "I'm sorry. I'm a fucking dickhead. I didn't- I really didn't mean those things. Please know that."

"You must've meant some of it. Otherwise you wouldn't have said it."

"No. No, look, the last thing I ever want is to hurt you but I just- I really suck at dealing with, uh, emotions and stuff."

"Well," Jennie starts. "Maybe I could help you deal with them. No?"

Y/n looks at her in silence before slowly nodding her head. "Yeah. Maybe."

"Okay." Jennie shifts on her seat, the sensations in the tips of her fingers slowly coming back, tickling with the urge to reach out and take Y/n's warmer hands. "I know it's hard for you. But I need you to stop clamming up whenever you struggle with your feelings, Y/n. You can't take it out on other people. You'll just hurt them."

"I know. I'm sorry." Y/n gulps and Jennie feels her heart swell at the way Y/n looks at her, full of warmth and fondness.

"Do you really think it's stupid of me?" Jennie slowly asks, unable to keep the hurt out of her voice. "To imagine us being together? Even after I leave."

Y/n shakes her head, her eyebrows furrowing. "No. I- I think about that, too."


"I hate the thought of you leaving," Y/n mumbles. "I know Joohyun is leaving, too. But I know she'll be more happy wherever it is she's going, so it's easier for me to let her go. And I know you have your life back in the city, and you're happy there, but I'm just..." Y/n clears her throat, clearly struggling with her words. "I'm so selfish when it comes to you. I don't want you to leave me."

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