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As the time passed, I gradually accepted the fact that the saintess had left me to a place where no people had lived.

Due to some sort, I can summon my puppet without a limit. Now, I can summon both Sebris, a human puppet, and Haruke, a puppet at the same time.

This place was actually not bad. The case was, only the city of this country was very far from here.

Because of that, I haven't met any people.

I summoned Sebris since she was now okay and asked her to put a fire on my campfire. And so, I didn't feel lonely anymore.

I also summoned Haruke and my slime. It did consume a lot of mana.

And so, the work started at night.

I was thinking of making a small house for myself. Luckily, Haruke, even though he lost all of his memories, he does know how to make a blueprint and hence, I was more motivated to continue my ambition.

My Azazel was really useful at times like this. I gave an axe to Haruke and commanded him to cut some trees and gave me a log.

Although I can just burst up with the twins, all the trees might fall in my surroundings and I don't want that anymore.

The huge slime also helped me to fetch the wood log. I was surprised when the big slime suddenly melted and separated it's body then a mini slime appeared. It was very cute.

Haruke doing all the work was very tough work, so I summoned the person who had a big muscle build in my puppet. That is, Staz.

When I summoned him, he was very disappointed with anger looking at me.

Although I felt bad somehow, he wouldn't agree to my command.

"Please listen to master or else I'll cut your neck." Warned the tall puppet, Haruke.

He became even more violent when he saw Sebris. Well, it was his comrades. He must have felt bad when they didn't know him anymore since I erased all their memories except for him.

Well, I did erased Staz's memories but he somehow still regained some. Perhaps because he's a pure human.

I wouldn't like it when I controlled him with my fingers and I promised not to be like that anymore.

But the gods must have pity me that Staz agreed to help me build the house.

We all worked. Until dawn came, the house was fully built.

There was a not so big kitchen in the middle. A restroom and on the second floor, there are six rooms.

The cement did take too long to dry up, but thanks to Sebris' blazing aura, it was sped up.

My puppets..... I decided them to act as a human... To be a human.. It sounds stupid and foolish doesn't it?

Because calling them my puppet sounds kind of bad.

That much happened for a short time.

"Master, we will take some rest inside the 'World of Puppets' will you let us?" Asked Sebris.

I was confused looking at them.

"What do you mean? This will be our house and we will all be resting in this place!" I declared with a slight happiness and excitement

The Marionette's Puppeteer (Volume 2)Where stories live. Discover now