Chapted Six - Oh Shi- *Zoom*

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Walking into Xavier's shed she noticed a new piece, taking the tarp off of it.. she wasn't really surprised to see that it was what she looked like when she was all fucked out. And then she remembered what day it was, the fucking beginning of family week. Rolling her eyes, she walked back to the quad. Hoping to see Xavier and introduce him to her family. Upon getting there she had to grip onto something because of how exhausted she was from the walk back, he needs to calm the fuck down when they have sex.

But she spotted her family and made her way over, "My little rotten apple! Oh how I missed you so!" Gomez enveloped her in a hug, which she tried to squirm out of. Once she was able to get out of her father's grip she fixed her collar, slightly embarrassed if her family found out what she had been doing with a boy. Xavier stalked over, "Hey. You must be Wednesday's parents? Yeah?" He placed an arm around her shoulder and smiled, "Mom.. dad.. you remember Xavier Thorpe right?" Morticia's eyes lit up, "Thorpe?! Oh Xavier! How's your father?" She called and smiled at him,

"He's uh.. he's good." He was lying, he hated his father's guts. But he wouldn't say that, "That's good." Morticia finally spoke up. That's when she noticed a dark patch of skin on Wednesday's neck, "Wednesday. Is that-" She started, putting a hand over her mouth, "A hickey?" She murmured as she pulled her collar down. And then the teenage couple turned into tomatoes, "Yes- I mean no? I can't lie- Xavier help-" The raven looked at her boyfriend for help, "I can't help you- I was the one who gave you it." Oh lord.

  Gomez and Morticia collectively gasped, Pugsley was eating. Of course he was, "Have you two-" Gomez didn't need to continue his statement. Wednesday nodded slowly, gripping onto Xavier to steady herself, "Woah there- I got you." The artist mumbled to her. Morticia Addams laughed, "It seems like someone's to harsh on my little corpse!" Gomez was accepting of this. As was his wife, it was surprising. They continued chatting and talked about their love life to Wednesday's parents.


Words: 375

Sorry for it being so short.. I just needed to get this chapter out. Also. Do you guys like it when I write smut-? I can't even do it as well as I did once before- so why do you like it now? It's half-assed.

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