Chapter 1 : The Start of The Semester

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  Walking down the halls, Wednesday only heard the continuous laughter of people she knows. Looking at the courtyard, Bianca was being the self proclaimed queen bee she is.. a soft, barely noticeable smile crept onto her face. The black haired girl felt someone creeping up on her and she left him.

  "Hello, Wednesday!" Eugene said with an voice of excitement, "Eugene.. hello, how are you feeling?" She murmured as she ruffled his hair. He really did remind her of Pugsley. The conversation was short and sweet because of the call she had gotten..

  "Yes?" Wednesday asked as she walked towards her room, "Wednesday.. I need you down to my shed for a moment." Xavier said over the phone, "Alright.. let me set my things down in my dorm before Enid gets here. We both know how she gets." The girl reached her room finally, "I'll see you soon Xavier. Don't freak out too much without me."

Upon reaching the shed she noticed that Xavier was bouncing his knee, "You seem to be annoyed.. or irritated, why is that?" She muttered as she looked at the back of his head, "I can't seem to get inspiration.. I'm trying to paint a portrait of you for the hall since the thing you did last semester... but I can't seem to focus. Can you help?" He looked over at the girl as he motioned for her to come close, she did. Sitting down on his not bouncing leg she stared at him, her eyes not knowing where to look.

Does she look at his eyes or his lips? They were so close it was hard for her to tell. Xavier smirked, "It seems I'm not the only one who's distracted.." Wednesday glared at him but she sheepishly nodded, that was out of character.. he doesn't think she's been like that before. Xavier put his paintbrush down and he held her lower back, his leg stopped bouncing and he swung her other leg over his now still leg. She was straddling him now, "This isn't like you." The Raven murmured as he ran a hand behind her head, "Well.. your different yourself."

  And as if time slowed to a stop, Xavier had kissed her. Wednesday was surprised, that was new. But she kissed back and wrapped her arms around his neck to support herself. They got too lost in kissing that they didn't even know how far they were willing to go. And now Wednesday was pushed against the desk in the shed, her school uniform blazer and vest were off as was Xavier's. The door to the shed opened and there stood Enid, "Oh- I should've knocked." She said quietly as she realized what she intruded on.

Both Xavier and Wednesday glared at her as they got their respective clothes back on, "My dorm at 12:00?" Xavier asked, he doesn't have a roommate, he hasn't received a new one since Rowan's death. She nodded and left. Leaving a disturbed Enid and a desperate Xavier behind her. She was going to town, she doesn't know why. But maybe to freshen up her style.. add a small bit of color? Reds would do.


  She was sitting in town when she found a pretty good shirt that still had black on it, it was tie-dyed. And it worked as a top to one of her white blouses, so she bought it. A pretty good investment on her end, but right now all she wanted to do was take a nap. She was mentally exhausted from everything that went down. Plus her stomach and her shoulder still hurt, so maybe it would be wise to nap.

After her nap she realized what time it was, 11:34 PM.. she had to be at Xavier's in 26 minutes. Getting up she took off her crumpled clothes and stared at the sweater she bought. Finding a blouse she liked she put the sweater on over it, her usual skirt and socks remained the same. But she was ready, so she walked off towards her destination. Upon arriving, she noticed that the door was open. Going inside she found Xavier standing a few feet away from the door.. he looked surprised to see Wednesday.

"Your wearing color.." A hand rested on the sleeve of her sweater, "Yes.. I thought it was be appropriate to branch out a bit," Wednesday's face twitched for a moment, "Does it look.. bad..?" She muttered as she searched his eyes, "No, no, of course not, Wednesday!" He smiled at her. As he picked her up, it was quite easy, "Oh. This is an odd feeling." She murmured against his chest, she was smiling slightly into his chest as he walked over to his bed.

The Raven & The Artist | Wavier | Wednesday Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now