Chapter 2 : I Can't Believe You Made Me Do This

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  After classes ended, Wednesday felt an odd chill up her spine. And it wasn't the one she enjoyed. Staring at the quad.. she realized something, no matter what she did. She'd have enemies.. that's delicious. Xavier spotted her and ran as fast as he could to get to her, "Wednesday-" He said out of breath. She stared at him, blinking slowly, "Xavier." She replied as she leaned on the balcony fencing. The taller one looked up at her, "Your hard to reach." He murmured as he pulled her into a hug.
  Wednesday stood there and hesitated before hugging back, he understood that she needed a hug. He could tell by the way her eyebrows creased. After all he's known her the longest.. they stood there like that for a moment before she was thrown over his shoulder, "Xavier Thorpe you will put me down!" She yelled at him, smacking his back with her fists. He laughed and ran back down into the quad with her like this, he had his hand on the bottom of her skirt of course. He wouldn't let that fly, he's a gentleman when it comes to her.
  Bianca looked surprised to see Xavier carrying Wednesday like this, but it wasn't unusual at this point, "Xavier, put Addams down." She called towards the long haired male, he groaned and put the one on his shoulder down. Wednesday smoothed over her skirt and glared at Xavier, he just smiled at her.
  The shorter huffed and walked away towards the library. She wanted to look at the selection of books there, knowing there wouldn't be much of anything interesting she wanted to look anyways.


Sitting in the horror section of the library, she skimmed through the books looking for the right one to read, "The Shining's book.. bleh.. no." She murmured to herself as she looked through the darker horror books, "The Mist.. have I read this one?" She whispered as looked at it, she hasn't. So she checked it out to read. So currently she was in near the archery practice, knowing Xavier had archery practice around this time. And here he comes. Xavier Thorpe, he had a hair tie in his mouth. He was tying her hair back and spotted Wednesday sitting near the archery range.
She looked up at him from the book she was reading and gave a small smile, Xavier stopped in his tracks, "You smiled,. At me?" He said totally and utterly confused, "I did, is it wrong for someone to smile at another?" Wednesday replied in her usual monotone voice. Xavier shook his head, "No you can. You just rarely, if not never, smile at anyone." He picked up a bow and arrow and leaned backwards and aimed for a bird that was flying.
Wednesday's attention was where his was, she watched as he shot the bird and it came flying down. She was slightly impressed, "I think that's the first time I used a moving target." He confessed, she was amused. They talked about the different types of targets for a while before Wednesday needed to lay down. She felt the worse spike of pain she had felt in a while. And Xavier took her to the infirmary


  Upon getting there, Wednesday looked pale. The nurse inspected her, she noticed discoloration around her stab wound scar, "She may have internal bleeding from this.. It looks like she was pierced through her stomach. Thornhill and Crackstone mean't for her to die." The nurse stated, this crushed Xavier's heart. His lover was in pain and he was oblivious to how bad it was, "We need to get her to the hospital." He stated quickly, the nurse nodded and called for a few quick-on-their-feet students to come get her.
  Xavier came along of course, he would make sure she lived. If it's the last thing he does. The doctors rushed her into a room quickly and inspected her. This is the most on edge Xavier had been in years. Enid, Bianca, Ajax, and Eugene rushed to the hospital as soon as they heard what had happened. Bianca came because she knew Xavier needed a friend during this, Ajax came because he knew Enid wouldn't take it well if Wednesday has a serious thing going on or if she dies.
A doctor came out and looked at the five of them, "She's in a good state, we can salvage her stomach. But there's a chance she'll lose it." The doctor stated, Enid didn't take that well. Tears were flowing from the werewolves' eyes, Ajax held her in his arms, shushing her whimpers and cries. Xavier racked a hand through his hair, his breathing was growing shaky. But he wanted to stay strong, for Wednesday.


She got the surgery she needed, but ended up losing her stomach. She now has a pouch that's made from her remaining pieces of her stomach, Xavier was the first person to visit her. He was also the person who visited her the most, "Hey.. Wednesday." He had knocked on the door as he entered. The dark eyes of the black haired girl stared at him, "Hello." She muttered softly as she bit back a whimper, she wanted anything more than to just be near him. But she didn't want to be in this damn bed, "How are you feeling?" He sat down in the chair next to her bedside, "I feel.. dismal." She muttered and stared down into her folded hands. She noticed her nail polish was chipping and that she needed to repaint them.
The conversation between the two was long a doctor came in and gave them the news about Wednesday being released back to Nevermore soon. Both of their eyes lit up at that, she could finally go back. She could go back to being harassed by Enid. So that's what kept her motivated.


When she was eventually discharged from the hospital, Xavier was the one who walked her back, carrying her if she couldn't walk any longer and having a hand on her waist to steady her when she did walk. They didn't need to talk about anything, they just walked. Enid was the one who greeted them when they arrived. She was so close to tackling Wednesday, but then she remembered that Wednesday was healing.
Xavier asked if she could stay with him while she recovers, the principal considered and said yes, "God, I can't believe you made me do this.." Wednesday chided at her lover, he chuckled and helped her get comfy in the bed they'd be sharing. It was going to be a long couple weeks.


Words : 1107

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