19. Grom

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Days passed since Adelaide's passing, and it was time to move on. Grom was approaching and that meant that everyone had to face their greatest fears. If Adelaide were still here, she'd let Grom kill her. Everyone knew that - it was a no-brainer.

 In their nicest attire walked in Ryles and their boyfriend, Giles Menninghouse, Greyson and his boyfriend, Aspen Mirthcrest, Malin and his girlfriend, Maisy Aufsen, and Belle and their girlfriend, Margarette Bellwether. After them, a new couple entered. Once on the dance floor, they all turned to look at who it was. 

"Dang," Greyson said. "Looks like Marcellus got himself a girl." 

Elias and Maxwell smiled while crossing their arms. 

"I knew he'd find someone someday, but I didn't know it would be this soon," Elias said.

"Yeah. I wonder how long he knew this girl," Maxwell said. "Gotta say. She's kinda cute. But only romantically, of course."

Elias and Marcellus looked at their brother. 

"What?" Maxwell said. "Didn't I tell you two that I'm asexual panromantic? You guys are so forgetful it's annoying. You aren't even old yet and you act so stupid. You should be ashamed of yourselves." 

"Don't act like you're the oldest triplet," Elias said. "Because you were born at the latest time." 

Maxwell crossed his arms. "What time if you're so sure?"  

Gus, overhearing the conversation between the triplets, walked over. 

"Oh great. It's Dad," all three said in unison. 

"It's your fault for mentioning the time I was born!" Maxwell said, butting heads with Elias. 

"Well, I wasn't the one acting like such a know-it-all!" Elias shouted, butting heads with Maxwell. 

"Maxwell and Elias Porter, this is enough!" Gus said. 

The two instantly stopped butting heads and looked at one of their dads. 

"If you're really that curious, I'll tell you," Gus said. 

"We're not curious, so butt out of our business, Dad," Maxwell said. "If there's anyone who needs you to talk to him, it's obviously Elias. He's the stupid one out of all of us."

"Now, we don't call people stupid," Gus said. "Especially when your brother isn't stupid at all. Hey, I'll tell you this. Marcellus was born on January 3 at 3:00 A.M., Elias was born on January 3 at 6:00 A.M., and Maxwell, you were born on January 3 at noon. So yes, you are the youngest."

Maxwell crossed his arms. "You didn't have to rub it in." 

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