14. The Maisy to Your Heart

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NOTE: Before you say anything, Malin and Maisy are not straight. They are bisexual.

It was just another day at Gravesfield School of Human Education and Magic - busy as heck. Malin looked at his schedule in horror. Why the Titan did he have to wake up so dang early in the morning just to look forward to English class? It just did not sit well with him. 

Just at the moment, the Porter triplets came running through the hall. Malin looked at them and laughed. He never understood why they never got caught. Maybe because of the illusions they created with their magic. 

But Malin had something more important to do. No, it was not getting to class. He was terrible at general studies and he knew it. It was best he not try, at least that was how he thought. Despite that, on the way to English class, he bumped into Maisy, accidentally knocking the pile of textbooks in her hands.

Malin blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. He chuckled nervously. "Oops," he said with another nervous chuckle. "Let me... let me get that for you." 

Maisy bent down as well to pick up her textbooks. "Why can't you just leave me alone? When will you get it? I don't have time for romance!" 

Malin rested his head on her shoulder, making that annoying face. "I know you like me," he said. "You once said I was cute. I will never forget that." 

Maisy rolled her eyes, chuckling. 

"See? A laugh! I'm getting through to you!" he said. He looked at his schedule and then glanced at hers. "That's awesome! We've got the same English class together! But you're right, we better scram or else we'll be late." He chuckled, nervously rubbing the back of his neck once again. "And you don't want your reputation to fall." 

Maisy shook her head. "I don't know why, but the way you are just speaks to me! It's stupid and I shouldn't be feeling this way. I'm the top student for a reason, and since you're not good at anything, it's just embarrassing being around you!" 

"But you do it anyway," Malin said, getting close to her.

"You have the nerve coming up to me and trying to flatter me with whatever it is you do," Maisy said. "Honestly, you're annoying. But I can't deny that you're pretty cute." She shook her head. "I can't. Let's go." 

As soon as they arrived in Mrs. Sleigher's class, Maisy covered her face with her textbooks. Through it all, she could see Mrs. Sleigher with her hands on her hips. Maisy gulped, instantly racing to her desk. Malin, without thinking, plopped in the desk right beside her.

"You're a bad influence, you know that?" Maisy said, pointing her finger at Malin. "Because of you, Mrs. Sleigher is mad! I was late because of you!" She crossed her arms and angrily rest her head on her desk.

"I'm not mad at you, Maiselle. I'm just disappointed," Mrs. Sleigher said. "And now I see why." She walked over to Maisy's desk. "Here's some advice from teacher to student. Don't let him get to you. You are your reputation, and you know that. Your parents expect you to hold yourself high and not fall for a run-of-the-mill guy like him." 

The Owl House: ResolutionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum