11. School Work

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"Nice try. You can bring witches into this world, but magic is something we cannot teach," said Principal Hal. "So you're on your own." 

"Oh come on!" Luz said. "Am I seriously the only human around here that can do magic?" 

Her friends and girlfriend nodded. "You kinda are." 

Luz crossed her arms. "Gee, thanks," she said in a sarcastic manner. 

Then a familar witch stepped in. She had pink hair and three eyes. 

"Boscha," Luz said. 

Boscha put her hand on Luz's chin. "Happy to see me, Luz?" she said. 

"Get away from her!" Amity said. 

"Oh. How feisty we've gotten since the time we cut ties, Amity. I take it you're married to this human," Boscha said. "Dang, you've dropped lower than I expected." 

"No, Boscha. You have," Amity said. 

Boscha crossed her arms, and then walked up to Luz. "You say you want your school to combine pathetic human studies with magic studies?" She laughed. "You're only powerful because you discovered glyph magic. Without that, you'd be nothing." 

Luz butted heads with Boscha. "Oh yeah? Humans can do magic. They just do it in a different way than you witches," she said. "I didn't ask to be born without a bile sac attached to my heart." 

"I'm glad you didn't," Boscha said. "Because either way, you wouldn't be anything special." She paused. "But if you want this to work, I can help you with that." 

"Help me with my plan?" Luz said. She crossed her arms. "There's no way they'll listen to you. People are not easily fooled as witches." 

"I've heard it's quite equal," Gus said. 

Luz put a finger up to Gus' mouth, shaking her head. "That's gonna make her think she has more power over us," she whispered.

Boscha walked up to Principal Hal. "I've got something to tell you. If humans want to learn magic in addition to whatever they study here in the Human Realm, then go ahead and let them do it," she said. "I don't see anything wrong with it." 

"I'm certain you're used to getting what you want," Principal Hal said. "But I'm afraid to tell you, that's not the way things work around here." 

Boscha made a yellow circle from her hand as she got closer to the old man. "You do as I say or I will not hesitate to kill you." 

"You better watch your mouth, young lady. That's what's gonna get you into detention," Principal Hal said. 

"I'm not afraid of your human punishments," Boscha said. "Now you do as I say." 

The Owl House: Resolutionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें