17. Panic!

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A few weeks passed and December was nearing the beginning. Due to the merge, the snow became boiling snow. Luz wasn't sure whether or not to cancel school for everyone or not. But after speaking to her friends about it, she decided. School would not be held due to inclement weather. 

Adelaide, of all of them, was the most relieved. That meant she didn't have to deal with Sandra. The image of her burning Parker to death still haunted her mind. She just couldn't live with herself anymore - she was terrified that something was going to happen to her sooner or later. Greyson and Ivy Ella gather around Adelaide. 

"What's going on? You haven't been yourself lately," Greyson said. 

"Yeah. We're worried about you," Ivy Ella said. 

Adelaide lowered her head and folded her arms across her chest, rubbing them together. But she wasn't even cold. 

"Come on. You can tell us," Greyson said.

Adelaide rubbed at her arms, a traumatized expression on her face. She just couldn't tell them. She didn't want them to worry, but thought it would be best if they did worry. In fact, Adelaide didn't seem to care what others thought of her. She often refused help. Adelaide, at that point in her life, would have thought that was part of "being cool", but no. Adelaide didn't know who she was anymore. Not without Parker. It was like a big part of her was missing, and she couldn't shake it away. 

"Is this? ...," Greyson paused. "Is this about Parker?" 

Adelaide turned around and stomped herself over to Greyson. She got in their face, close enough for them to shoo her away. But Adelaide didn't budge. "Don't you dare mention their name like that." 

"I'm so sorry that happened. Really, I am. But you can't reverse death," Greyson said. 

"I know!" Adelaide shouted, slamming her fists on the floor. "That's what makes me angry! I can't do a single thing about it! All I can do is make sure Sandra gets what she deserves." 

"But revenge is never the answer," Ryles said. 

"I don't care about what you think, Ryles. So please, just shut up," Adelaide said. "At least you still have Giles. I have nobody. I'm alone and that's just how life is gonna be from now on. No happiness, no joy of being with someone you love, no Grom because the only person you'll ever love is dead! I even imagine the looks on the faces of their parents. Angry because I couldn't do a dang thing to stop it! Now everyone hates me and it's all my fault!" 

Luz walked up with her wife, Amity. "What's going on here?" she asked. 

"Nothing," Adelaide said. "Leave me alone." 

"Really, Adelaide. If you need to talk about something, it's OK to talk to one of us," Luz said. "Getting whatever it is off your chest really helps. Trust me." 

Adelaide pushed Luz away. "Of course I trust you! Why wouldn't I? You never wronged me my whole life! Heck, you're family. That's just natural trust that I don't think much about." 

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