~Chapter Fourteen~

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,,Good night my princess..."

Author POV

Just as he was about to fall asleep, a bright light flashed the whole room.
,,What the...?"


Chishiya was walking outside of the beach, hands playing with the armband from the beach everyone was given. ,,I guess I can throw that away" Kuina was leaning against a wall chewing on her stick.
,,Don't you feel sorry for Arisu?" Kuina suddenly said. ,,Feel sorry? Why?" ,,Well I do, kinda"
,,Well sometimes we have to do things in order to survive. But if you're so worried about him, then you should go and help him, Kuina" Chishiya huffed and turned around, attempting to walk away but he stopped right in front of a gate ,,No way!"

Kuina herself started walking and was about to stepp through the gate but Chishiya stopped her. ,,Don't!"
Kuina gave him a questioning look.
Chishiya threw his armband through the gate.
A laser zapped right through it.
Kuina went closer to have a look at it. ,,Seriously?"


You were awoken of a chiming noise. ,,What the...?" You questioned. You saw Niragi sitting on the edge of the bed starring intensely at the tv. You scooted next to him hugging him, just then a voice came from it. ,,We will now commence a game with all 58 participants in the venue"
Niragi went up to the tv. ,,The beach is a game arena?"
You couldn't believe it either.
Another voice then echoed through the room. ,,Difficulty Heart Ten. All the participants must assemble in the lobby. The rules of the game will then be explained"

,,I have to get Usagi and Arisu, I'm sorry" You jumped up and sprinted out the door. Niragi couldn't even react. But he also went to the lobby

You ran down to the lobby hoping to meet either of them.
But first you were greeted by a huge crowd of people who were desperately trying to get a phone.
It was difficult to find a specific person but luckily you just then saw Usagi run from one of the corridors.
,,Usagi, thank god I found you" You hugged each other.
,,Do you know whats going on right now?"I just know one thing, the whole beach is now a game arena" You sighed.
,,Let's go and get ourselves one of these phones"
Usagi took tour hand and walked to the table with the pones on it.

You saw Niragi standing by the table. He looked worried but when you two locked eyes, his face softened. But that quickly turned back into his typical quite arrogant expression as he watched the others and he kew you were safe.
You thought about what has happened just about 15 minutes ago. But you quickly brushed these thoughts aside because there were more important things to worry about now. Your gaze was wondering around until you sae another two familiar faces. Chishiya and Kuina. Chishiya waved and smiled at you. You didn't react just blankly stared at him. You couldn't forgive him. Not what he has done. You detached you eyes from his back to your phone.

Suddenly the whole crowd turned towards one specific spot and some even gasped followed by murmuring.
Usagi and you pushed through the crowd just to see a girl with a knife in her chest.

,,Momoka!" Another girl screamed and run to the dead girl called Momoka. ,,Whyy??" She started sobbing.

All phones chimed and a voice said: ,,Game, Witch Hunt. The murderous with who killed this girl i hiding amongst you in plain sight. The witch role is not limited to women"
Usagi and you excanged glances. The voice continued: ,,To clear the game you must find the witch and burn him or her in the fire of judgment. Time limit: Two hours"

Outside you could see a huge fire burning.

,,Game start"

,,Well, where were you?" Someone asked the girl who knew Momoka, Asahi.
,,What?" „Didn't you two always hang around together?" Someone else said.
,,Are you the witch?" Niragi got dangerously close to Asahi, while clicking his gun. „No it wasn't me" Asahi sobbed. ,,Well I guess we'll find out when we throw you into the fire. Take her to the fire"
Some people gabbed her and started walking.

,,Stop put her down" You shouted. ,,We are all suspects im this game. Plus where were all of you? What were all of you doing? Can anyone prove it?"

,,Well I can prove that you and I had a good time in bed" Niragi smirked while looking at you. You could feel the stares on you including Usagis. You blushed and you gave her an apologizing glance.
,,You've got blood on your hand" someone said and pointed towards Ann. And with that all the accusations of who could be the witch started.
,,All of this sounds so crazy. The witch could be one of them" A girl said and pointed towards a crowd.
Just then a sword stabbed through her back and she fell on the ground revealing Last Boss. ,,Let's just burn everyone"
,,Who ever is the witch, step forward now" Aguni said while slowly walking towards the middle. No one stepped forward of course. ,,If no one here will admit it, then all of you will burn"

,,Yahooo" Niragi cheered and shot into the air.

Everyone went crazy and ran away.
Including you and Usagi. But Usagi grabbed Asahi and pulled her out if there. You quickly grabbed the last phone for Arisu.

You hid in an empty room for the moment ,,You have to hide, do you understand. Y/N and I have to go now, okay?" Asahi nodded. You patted her shoulder and Usagi and you left.

„We have to find Arisu, now" You said while running but Usagi stopped and so did you ,,I know I know. I suggest we split up, I know in movies this is always wrong, but it is the quickest. But just for safety, we'll meet up here at the lobby in 30 minutes, okay?" „Okay. Take care Usagi and look out for the militants" „You too Y/N" They hugged each other and went in opposite directions.

Y/N felt lost. She was roaming through the hotel, opening every door she passed. She was doubting it if it was the right choice to split up.
As she was exiting a room she crashed into someone.
You looked up right into Niragis eyes.
„Omg you scared me. What the hell was going on with you down there?" „What do you expect me to answer to that. Obviously because I like shit like that. Plus I wanna know who that f*cking witch is" ,,Well I was actually gonna ask for your help but I guess you're busy with that shit of yours"  „What do you need my help with? With making yourself feel good? Do you already miss me and my c*ck so much . I can still hear you scream my name. ,Ahh, Niragi don't stop, please go faster Niragi please' " He laughed „Niragi not everything is about sex, okay. Also I have way more important stuff to do right now, than fuck you, okay?" ,,Aww" Niragi pouted. You rolled your eyes. „ I was actually gonna ask you to help me find Arisu" „Well that's disappointing. I'm not gonna help you with that" „Why not?" „Well because he has stolen from us" It wasn't him it was Chishiya all along. He was the one who told us to do that"
„Chishiya told you that?" „Well yeah, but that doesn't matter now, we have way bigger problems now" „Chishiya talked with you?" ,Are you even listening to me?" Niragi murmured something you couldn't understand and walked away just like that
„What a prick. Why did I fall in love with him again? Well I guess I will continue myself"

Words: 1305
Sorry for letting you wait so long. But here a chapter that's a little longer.
Also I really appreciate the love from you guys. Thank you very much for liking my book. Even though I cringe sometimes when I reread it😂

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