~Chapter One~

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Just another boring day of work. Y/N got out of her bed and got dressed. A simple makeup and a casual outfit that consisted of baggy brown jeans, a green oversized t-shirt and black converse (which she obviously only wore outside).
,,Y/N, come and eat breakfast! You're going to be late!" Her mother called her.
(And yes Y/N still lives at her parents house at the age of 22).

So as Y/N was about to walk out of her room the electricity went off. She noticed because the radio ,which is always on during the day, went off and the lights weren't working anymore.
She slowly started walking as she noticed it was oddly quiet.

Y/N ran down the stairs just to see...no one.
,,Yoo, wth?? Mom, dad? Helloo? Anyone here?" She walked outside just to see nothing as well.
She ran back inside, grabbed some snacks, a bottle of water and a thin black jacket (you gotta be prepared😂) and sprinted back outside.

She searched the town, looked into the windows of the houses but she didn't find anything nor anyone.
Y/N walked through the streets and reached Shibuya Station.
She spun around looking at the tall empty buildings.

Suddenly she heard footsteps coming towards her. Thinking wether she should hide or wait and see who it was. ,,Well maybe they can help me figure out what is going on here. But what if they are bad people?"

The footsteps came closer and Y/N was still arguing with herself. But then it was too late.
She saw two figures approaching her. As far as she could see it was a boy and a girl.
She started running towards them even though she still wasn't sure if it was the right thing.

As Y/N got closer she could clearly tell that is was a boy and a girl. ,,Hi, um do you know whats going on here? Where is everyone?"
,,You've just got here, haven't you?" said the girl. ,,I'm Usagi ant this is Arisu" She pointed at the boy standing next to her. ,,We also don't really know where everyone went, we just know you have to play these murderous  games to get visa" Arisu explained. ,,And what is this visa for?" ,,When your visa expires...you die" He said.

Y/N was shocked. ,,Wait, so when you don't play these games you die. And you can also die while playing these games?" ,, Yes exactly" ,,Achh great😒" ,, By the way, what's your name?" Usagi questioned. ,,I'm Y/N"

<Time skip to the evening>

    Y/N POV

,,I guess we should get going and find a game location" Usagi suggested and started walking. Arisu and I followed her. I was kinda scared but I didn't wanna show it.
We arrived at a big wheel which was shining bright. There was a girl and two men. Usagi gave me one of the phones that were laying on the table. ,,Do you see these bracelets the men are wearing?" Whispered Arisu, ,,Usagi and I suspect them to be from a place called The Beach. That's why we want to follow them after the game. Are you coming with us?" ,,Yeah, when you want me to I'd like to :)"

A woman's voice told us the game would start in two minutes.
,,Ah, by the way, every game has a difficulty level and genres . This is symbolized with cards. Spades represents games of strength, clubs are team battles, diamonds are battle of wits and heart represents games of betrayal" I looked at Arisu in a mixture of confusion and astonishment.

The game started. It was spade 6.
We gad to hang on the big wheel until it has made one lap. The thing was, it went extra slow.

Halfway through, the girl fell down. I was shocked and realized how brutal these games really are.

I was relieved when we finally reached the ground again.
My armes were wobbly and I could barley move them.

,,Come on we have to hurry", whispered Usagi impatiently and the three of us started following the two men with the bracelets.

They got into some old cars and drove off.
we started running like our life depended on it. Which it somehow did.
We arrived on a bridge where we could see a very bright illuminated building.

,,What do you see?" Usagi asked Arisu. ,,I see...wait a minute, that's the place, thats The Beach!" ,,Wait what?? How do they have electricity?" I asked amazed.
,,Do you two think we will get the answers to our questions there?"

I heard a noise behind us and as I was about to turn around everything went black...


I hope you like it :)
Words: 789

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