~Chapter Nine~

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,,I have to talk with you about something..."
Arisu told Usagi and me the whole story about all the dead bodies and that Chishiya wanted to steal all of the cards to leave the beach. Because if hatter dies in this game the militants will over take the beach and that's not going to go well.
,,But first we have to wait for the game to be finished"
,,Well I guess we will have to wait until tomorrow. I'm tired anyway, I think I'll go to bed. Good night" I waved at them and left.

<The Next Morning>

The next morning Arisu, Usagi and me met in the lobby. After we ate something for breakfast we were walking around trying to get some information about hattet's game. As we were walking around a boy approached us. ,,You're Arisu right? And you are Y/N and Usagi?" The three of us exchanged confused glances. ,,Yeah why do you ask?" said Arisu. ,,Chishiya told me I should tell you to come to hatter's office. Something happened!" We looked at each other confused once again. I wanted to ask the boy what happened but he was already gone.
Usagi and Arisu were kinda worried. I just shrugged it off thinking it was nothing. We hurriedly started walking towards hatter's office.

Once we got there, we were stopped by two bodyguards.
,,Hey what are you doing here?"
Just then Niragi appeared from behind a corner. Great. Not. And of course with his gun over his shoulder.
,,Ahh who do we have here?" He looked me up and down and smirked, then he looked at the others. ,,We didn't order you here. Even though I don't mind you here" Niragi said the last sentence under his breath while directly looking at me. Yoo, this gave me chills.
We intensely stared into each other's eyes when suddenly Chishiya appeared and we broke the eye contact.
,,I ordered them here" Niragi was visibly annoyed by this sentence.
Niragi went close to Chishiya's ear and I could here him whispering something like: ,,Don't forget my words"
,,But don't you think she should hear this? And if you won't bring her here then I will, okay?" replied Chishiya.
That confused me. What is going on between them?

Niragi gave Chishiya a dark glance but didn't say anything.
,,Let's go" Chishiya provocatively took my hand looked at Niragi whose eyes sparkled out of anger. He lead me into the office. Arisu could come as well but Usagi had to stay outside.

Niragi POV

Is he serious? Does he seriously wanna die? Why is this piece of sh*t touching what's mine? Ohh he will regret this. Just wait...


Inside the office were several people standing around a table with someone laying on it. As we got closer I identified it as hatter. But, oh sh*t, is he dead?? I glanced over at Arisu who had the same shocked expression on his face as me. I couldn't believe it.

The woman that showed Usagi and me where we could change our clothes, I think her name was Ann, quickly went to hatter.
,,Some of us found him in the Shinjuku when we were refilling the fuels" said that boy who told us to come here.

Ann wanted to touch hatter. ,,Hey hey hey, don't just touch him like that" Niragi slowly walked past Ann.
,,Were there guns?" ,,Some could hear gunshots near the game area" said the boy.
,,Ahahaha, he should've brought the militants" Niragi laughed. He really is a psycho. But every time he looks at me I get butterflies. I'm not supposed to fall for him but somehow I just can't help it...

,,What's happening with the Beach now?" Someone asked. A woman said we should keep hatter's death a secret. Another man said he as the number two should take hatter's place.

,,Wait a minute. Shouldn't the strongest be the leaders?" Niragi asked ,,We have finished all of the traitors for you, but still we're invisible. This is coming to an end now!"
Well he's not completely wrong, not gonna lie. The militants have done the dirty job but with no recognition.
The number two insisted on him being the new number one. But Niragi made the suggestion of voting.

,,Who wants Aguni to be the new number one?" asked Niragi while walking around while holding his stupid gun over his shoulder.
No one raised their hand.
,,That's not the answer we were expecting. Last Boss will you please?" Niragi gave the man with the sword, called Last Boss, a sign. He walked up to Ann and held his sword agains her neck.
,,I will ask again. Who wants Aguni to be the new leader?" Of course Ann raised her hand. Niragi walked up to everyone and threatened them with his gun until they raised their hands.
,,What about you Chishiya? You're not looking down on us, are you?" ,,You guys are really stupid" ,,You know your gaze is disgusting me"
While raising both of his hands Chishiya replied: ,,Okay okay, I vote for Aguni to be the next leader" Looking down at Niragi's gun he continued: ,,You don't want to lose me as a great supporter" With this Niragi unwillingly lowered his gun.
,,I still hope you will think about your future actions"

Niragi turned to Arisu at the same moment Last Boss turned to Arisu as well. This scared Arisu and he flinched. Niragi laughed at him. That annoyed me. No one laughs at my friends...

I decided to upload a little earlier as an idea popped up in my head right after I wrote the last part. I hope you like it:)

~Boldness~ (Niragi x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu