5 | The Angel and the Demon

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A/N: This chapter is going to have quite a bit of exposition and I'm really bad at integrating it smoothly so sorry if it's a bit janky.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion. This is a whitelisted server - how can this person, who I don't recognise, be here. I run through the possibilities in my head as she brings me to the ground. For a moment I think she might be Stress but I don't remember her saying anything about changing her main style and looks. I rule it off. Besides, Stress doesn't have that light of a skin tone. This woman's skin is almost pure white, just slightly under in a pastel pink.

I can rule out any of the other women in the server as she looks literally nothing like any of them in skin tone, body and style.

What if she's...

We reach the ground and she lets me go. A sudden pang of pain rushes through my shoulder. An audible grunt, almost a pained noise, escapes her mouth as she touches down. I sit up, continuing to stare at her, studying her.

Now we're still, I can see features I didn't see before. She has dark rosy-pink horns protruding from the top of her head, nestled in her pale pink short hair. Her right eye, from my angle, has a bright magenta iris, black pupil in the middle, looking at me and her left eye has a large, pink-almost-black, gash through it, rendering it useless. A single rose rests just above her ear.

Looking down, I see she's wearing a long, flowing dress, decorated with intricately embroidered swirls in floral shapes. The colour fades up from a dark-ish pink to a pastel version of the colour. A hazel brown satchel hangs from a strap that is resting on her shoulder. Extending from behind her are a pair of gorgeous snow-white wings. The feathers look soft and cosy and warm, like a blanket. Both the horns and wings together point towards an obvious conclusion: she is not human.

But this isn't anything new. I mean Ren is literally a dog-human hybrid but I've never seen anything like this before. Maybe some kind of angel species... I don't know.

I raise my head again and realise she's staring at me with a furrowed brow, almost as if she is concerned for me. I take it into question for a moment: why would a random stranger, who shouldn't even be on this server, save me then look concerned for me? I shouldn't matter so much to a stranger.

Further adding to these thoughts she says,"Oh um..." before walking over to me. I tense up slightly as she asks me to take off my jumper so she can see my shoulder but do it anyway as it does hurt a lot now my mind has been snapped back to the pain it's in. She studies the wound for a second - a large gash on the side of my bicep where the arrow hit me. The arrow isn't there now. I assume that it fell out from the wind as I was falling.

The woman puts both of her hands up to the wound like how someone would to get warmth from a fire. She closes her eyes tight. Then her hands glow slightly and a strange tingling spreads across the gash, spreading into my whole shoulder.

Healing powers... interesting.

After a few seconds, she releases her hands

She clears her throat before speaking, breaking the awkward silence between us.

"Um... hello. I'm Ivory," the stranger, who's name appears to be Ivory, says.

I stay silent, thinking back to my earlier thought: "What if she's... a Hunter?"

The chance is real - she could be a Hunter in disguise sent out to befriend me, before kidnapping me and forcibly dragging me to my Hunter to then be mercilessly killed with no second thought.

I shift around, slowly edging my way backwards where I'm sitting, as the floor suddenly becomes uncomfortable. My hands intertwine and sweat runs through the creases in them. They fiddle with each other. Bending. Twisting. Intertwining. A knot in my stomach tightens as every slow second passes. Tick...tock...tick...tock... Every second an eternity. A higher being has wrapped a rope around my waist and is pulling the strings with its two great hands. Pain rushes through me as the rope digs deep into my stomach.

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