1 | Dreams Pt.1

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We've always lived in fear of The Hunters.

They destroyed my world: my friends; my family. All gone. Dead. Killed in the middle of a cold night when the new moon had cast darkness across the sky. I had seen the flames. They had lept high into the sky illuminating it with a blood-red glow. I was the only survivor. I was the only person who had escaped and sometimes I wonder whether that's a good thing: I've seen all this destruction and death, I can't just forget it. I wouldn't be surprised if my life ended at my own hands.

I'm only alive because of a warning. One sent to me in my sleep.


I struggle to fall asleep that night. My duvet is pulled up to my head in an attempt to block out the freezing Winter cold. My mind can't stop thinking about The Hunters. Tomorrow is the day they attack. Of course I have no idea whether the rumors are true but the thought of my whole life falling to ashes terrifies me enough to make me believe. Anxiety creeps up on my senses, deactivating one after one: first taste, smell, then touch. I can't feel the bed underneath me. How do I even know it'll be us? There's a billion other servers, the chances are so miniscule.


The birds outside my window grow quiet, as if something had killed them-

"Stop!" I scream at myself.

My mind is trying to scare me but I can't stop it. Flicking my eyes around the room in fear, I spot a shadow and immediately slam them shut. It had looked almost... human. I try to ignore the bitter dread I feel but it's starting to border impossible. Flashing my eyes open for a second, I take a closer look at the shadow and see it's just the tree outside casting darkness on my wall from a streetlamp. I close my eyes again, aware that if I don't sleep, tomorrow will be a nightmare no matter what happens. Running on no sleep isn't exactly ideal.


I feel the last of my senses slip away and I leave reality.


All I feel is pain. All I can see is the flames that have ravaged my homeland; torn away my friends and family. Death surrounds me.

"They are coming."

I try to ignore the voice. There are more important matters at hand. Walking out into the main street from the side alley, I see a figure in full black. It turns around. That stare. That deep stare terrifies me. It feels like it's boring into my soul with its glowing green eyes. It looks to the floor.

"They are coming."

"Who is coming?" I shout in fear.

"I think maybe you should run along to the portal." It says with no emotion.

Anger fills my conscious as it ignores my question

"Who... is coming!?"

The figure looks at me again.

"You're worst nightmare."


"They are coming."

I awake from the nightmare screaming those words through gritted teeth. My whole body is covered in sweat and the outside world seems like an oven. My brain tries to comprehend what all this information means but it's too overwhelming. World like an oven... in Winter? Something is coming? A sudden sharp pain springs through my bare foot and I jump out of bed almost falling into the flames that are dancing behind me. Reeling in shock, I try to step towards the door but as soon as my burnt foot touches the floor, a stabbing pain shoots through it and halfway up my leg.

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