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The light of dawn speeded into my room. I rubbed my bleary eyes and walked to the window and opened it broadly. There was a pearly glow in the sky. The dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in. The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene. The just risen sun shone softly on the city streets, bringing with a flurry of early morning activity.
"This city is gorgeous", I yawned.
I heard a knock on the door. I trooped towards the door and then I opened it.
"Good morning, MISS Jadah, am the room service waiter. You have a package from your mom", he gave me a black luggage.
"she said you should get changed into some nice outfit and join her down for breakfast".
"Thank you so much".
He left then I banged the door.
"What could be in here?".
I had a strong grip on the handle of the black luggage as I threw it on the bed.
"Dam, that was heavy", I muttered.
I opened the luggage and to my surpyise they were clothes and shoes inside.
"Wow". I hurriedly walked to the bathroom, I took
my bath and I changed into a blue maxi dress which had a tiny strap hand, I wore a comfy blue crocus and I was ready to go. I exited the room with a smile grinned on my face.

"Hey mom, good morning".
"Good morning. I trust you slept well?".
"I did mom, thank you mom for everything".
" Jadah, I am proud of you. Thank you too, for
The waiter came and served us our breakfast. Not less than 10 minutes we were done with our breakfast.
"Jadah, I will be back later in the day"
"Where are you going?".
"Remember I told you I attended a seminar here,
"Right", I retorted.
" I am going there to see what I can do at the optimal hospital".
"Mom, you need to rest. Stop being a workaholic"
"Jadah, you know how I am, I can't be in one place doing nothing".
"Fine then, but be back on time".
Mom exited the hotel. I went back to my room.
I checked my phone only to see 4 missed calls from Julie. It was 9: 24 am Tuesday.
Julie would probably be in class. I will call her back later in the day. I walked towards the window and I gave a glance at the beautiful city view. It was gorgeous. Sun city was indeed beautiful. I went out for a 20 minutes work around the city and I
was back before 9:50am. I took a nap, which lasted for about 5 hours.
"knock, knock".
"Come in".
"Good afternoon, MISS Jadah, here is your lunch, where would you like to have it?".
"Just right there please, I pointed the table behind
him. He dropped it and then he left.
I had my lunch.
"Gosh, am so full".
My phone rang.
"Oh, Julie is calling".
"What's up Julie?".
"Todays class was fun, you needed to be here". "Alright then, gist me, tell me everything in details", I said as I repositioned myself in a comfort posture on the bed.
" I have three gist for you, the third one will blow your mind".
"Julie, speak up, am eager to hear them".
"Okay, so, MR Davis was smacked by a student today during physics class".
" MR Davis? That stern man, did he allow the student get away with it?".
"Calm down, allow me tell you what transpired. Midler's came very late to class. He trooped in
the class without acknowledging MR Davis, and he was making a call when he came in. MR Davis having noticed, called him back and instructed him furiously to kneel down with his eyes closed and his hands up but the stubborn Milder rebuffed it.
That irked MR Davis, he got furious and smashed his phone to the ground. Before we knew it, a slap was landed on MR Davis face, not just any slap, but a hurt one at that. Midler's five fingers reflected on the face of MR Davis, which impelled blood from MR Davis ear. Everyone was taken aback. His pervert friends where busy cheering him up, while some laughing out their stupidity. MR Davis walked out of the class without uttering a word. Few minutes later, Milders' was sent for by the school disciplinary committee. He was rusticated and his parents paid hundred thousand Naira as the instructed compensation fine. They were not willing to pay that fine, if not for the fact that the school was ready to take it up legally for assault, after all he was above 18 , so the law will justly be applicable on him.
Immediately his parents heard that, they obliged".   "Am speechless, that pervert Milder had the guts to do such a heinous act. That punishment served him
"The second one was about the gift some set of people gave to all SS3 student".
"what gift?", I asked her.
" A college guide essay book".
"OMG, why did I miss today at all. Did you take for me?".
"No, we weren't allowed to take more than one, but I guess it was supplied to the school bookshop, so, you can get it there if you come, but it won't be free".
" Oh, okay. what's the third gist?".
"Jadah, am not too sure if I should tell you this one. I want you to witness it yourself".
"Julie don't do this to me, you know how curious I am. I can't wait for next week Monday".
"Okay fine. Israel ".
Immediately she mentioned the name my heart skipped for a bit. She continued.
"Israel came to school today with an entourage of sumptuous vehicle. You needed to see the cars. We all taught it was a politician coming. But to our greatest surprise, it was Israel".
"Wait, I don't understand, you mean Israel, the guy who carried you to the clinic", I asked for clarity sake, because the Israel I know couldn't afford a bus , not to talk of a luxurious vehicle with entourage.
" yes Jadah, your lover. I couldn't believe it
myself, the whole school stood still until he entered the class".
"You are joking right? Is this like some Disney show where miracles happen overnight, cause, nothing seems to make sense".
"I told you what I saw with my two eyes, is not as
if some one else told me. Why would I lie?.
Anyways, it seems like he has been pretending all this while, he has been rich all this while. To be honest, me my self don't understand".
"Didn't you talk to him. I mean, after all, we all are team mates".
"Nah, we didn't talk. He saw me but didn't talk to me or no, he passed me without looking at my direction. That guy is weird, but he is cute. He became cuter. Jadah, you need to see how girls were dying to talk to him".
"Julie", I heard someone calling her in the background.
"Jadah, I will talk to you later. Mom is calling me".
"Sure". She hanged up.
What did Julie just tell me, Israel?, rich?, overnight?. What about what his manager said about him at the restaurant.

It was 9:30pm already, mom was back and we both ate our dinner down stairs. I couldn't sleep, the thought of Israel's mysterious blow up kept torturing me. Well, my curiosity got the better part of me. I brought out my phone to search his name
up on Instagram, maybe I would find a clue. I couldn't find his account. Suddenly a hashtag popped up on my screen. " #GOFUNDISREAL#", I read it out.
I tapped on the hashtag. That was it. I started seeing pictures of Israel with some top politicians. I screed fastidiously, I saw a video of me.
"What the hell", I muttered as I tapped the video.
It was the video of what transpired at the chicken  republic restaurant. It had over 6milion views, 3milion likes and 1 million comments. Fear gripped me. I tapped the comment section.
"I need the account number of this boy".
"How can I meet this girl; she is beautiful as she is intelligent".
"I would really want to sponsor this boy. Who knows him?".
"I want to adopt this boy. please how do I meet him". I read out loud the several comments of some people who showed interest in wanting to give succor to Israel.
Immediately, comprehension dawned on me. Does this mean that some serious-minded people in this comment section reached out to Israel?
"Wow", I muttered.
I understood the rationale for his sudden richness.
"Now, I can sleep in peace".

My Mom Has Kleptomania Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang