Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

"So I've been sleeping with my knife under my pillow for nothing? Wonderful..." He coughed blood.

"This is not the time to joke around! You're dying! We should try to save you!" There was a ringing in his ears, drowning out the last of their words.

"Austria-Hungary... I have nothing left to live for. The Russian Empire is dead. I've seen all that the world has to offer. Let me join my friend, and you go win this war for us." Serbia smiled through the tears in his eyes as he handed the blind country his knife.

"I'm sure I'll join you soon..." A-H muttered before driving the knife through Serbia's heart.

The Russian Empire slammed his fist into the ground. So many were dead. So many were dying. And ROE was only getting stronger. The Swedish Empire, Prussia and Bulgaria watched alongside him as Serbia joined them as a ghost.

"Oh good. I'd worried it would hurt in the afterlife." Serbia said, touching the wound in his chest. The hole simply glowed instead of bleeding like it would when he was alive.

"Everybody's dying, and that's what you're worried about?" RE snapped.

"Sorry. I'm trying to look on the bright side."

"The bright side is grey." RE remarked.

"We need to figure out how to help the others even as being dead. Perhaps we can talk to the Mongol Empire." Prussia suggested. Speaking of the Mongol Empire, he was darting around the battlefield, probably checking for dying countries.

Yeah, she would probably find a lot more with how this battle was going.

The Holy Roman Empire fought his father in his own mind. ROE was losing, slowly but surely. Finally, HRE sent a spiral of light through ROE's heart, and he was sent back to the physical world.

Where he was met with complete chaos. So many countries were dead. He almost slipped on the blood of RE, who he had seen alive before he had been mind controlled. What had happened?

As he watched, OE sped by, knocking him to the ground. He picked himself up and took out his swords, ready to fight whoever he could.

That never happened.

"Father, look out!" AE's voice screamed as he felt a sword plunge through his neck. His enemy was behind him, and he managed to stab backwards before the enemy's sword cut all the way through his body.

The pain was over in a second, yet it felt like an eternity.

Austria-Hungary was back to being mind controlled. They wished Serbia was still alive. They felt guilty for killing him, but they also knew that ROE would have gained his power if he hadn't.

They couldn't figure out how to stop the mind control. They'd done what Prussia had said, but it never worked. A-H wondered if it was because they were blind.

They felt so useless. Actually, they felt worse than useless. A-H was a burden.

The Spanish Empire left the body of the French Empire and went to go help AE and the others. He'd left her alive when he struck her because he was hoping BE would get the final hit, but now ROE had her power.

How did ROE even steal powers? Countries could only have one power, that was how they kept it fair! But somehow, ROE, the most powerful country, got to have another power, which allowed him to steal more powers. It wasn't fair.

The Holy Roman Empire had just died. AE collapsed next to the body and gave an anguished cry as SE charged up a lightning bolt to throw at ROE. GE stopped him though, sending dark shadows towards him that he had to fight off.

SE gritted his teeth, annoyed at the very least. He had to protect AE before anything bad happened to the mourning country. It was kind of funny, actually. A few days before, SE would have done anything to murder the murderer. Now, SE wanted to protect him.

He fought off the 3d shadows, but more kept coming. He couldn't zap anything with lightning since his power needed time to prepare. Time he didn't have.

Eventually, he was restrained, and the last thing he saw was the Roman Empire appearing out of the dark, a sword aimed for his neck.

The British Empire watched the shadows surround SE and ran past them instead of helping. He hoped that SE would be able to distract them long enough for BE to kill ROE, and they would be all right.

BE was slower than he thought. As he reached the other side of the ball of shadows, he found that ROE was not there. Then, the shadows dissipated and revealed SE. Or rather, his fallen body and decapitated head right next to it.

The Roman Empire stood over the body. In his hands, a ball of lightning was forming. BE had enough time to dive to the ground as the lightning soared above him. He balled up his fist and whirled around, throwing a wave of water at his enemy.

While ROE was distracted, BE pushed himself up and charged, sword in hand. While ROE blocked it with a dagger, BE used his hooked hand to slash across ROE's arm. The red country pulled back, hissing in pain.

BE used the opportunity to lash out with his sword, but all it did was put a dent in the gold armor. ROE recovered and knocked BE aside with a branch. He was about to throw a fireball at BE, when something knocked into him.

The opponent was invisible, so it must have been PE. ROE looked overwhelmed, and BE was about to cheer, but mind controlled GE found them. Shadows wrapped around the figure and lifted it into the air.

BE tried to get up to help, but shadows wrapped around him as well. Whether they were ROE's shadows, or GE's shadows, BE didn't know. All that he knew was that he was going to die.

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth watched the events unfold from afar. He saw exactly as he had feared. ROE had two powers. And both of those powers would only help him in killing everyone who opposed him.

PLC had hoped he wouldn't have to join the battle. He had always found it unfair that he could travel through time. It meant that he knew the outcomes of most battles. But that didn't matter now. The fate of the world depended on it.

It was time for him to join the fight. 

(1665 Words)

Lot's of POVs this chapter! Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was very busy! 

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