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I have a dare for you guys, listen to any of the songs I suggested as you read this chapter and do not cry! Tell me if you succeed.


Lily's POV

They had located them and I had been persuading Aaron to let me go with him . He finally gave in . I didn't have time to change my pajamas. I promised Aaron that I would stay in the car the whole time.

Soon, we reached Carlos' hideout. Aaron and Joshua's men took out their their guns  and other necessary weapons. Aaron and Joshua kissed my  cheek and reminded me to stay in the car no matter what happened.

I quietly followed them. Of course I couldn't just sit in the car when I knew my daughter's life was on the line. I entered the house quietly and tried to hear to hear anyone's voice but it was too quiet.

( Author's pov on what happened to Willow and Taylor.)

Taylor woke up and found himself Ina dark room tied up to a chair. He was being surrounded by Carlos' men. He got angry seeing Willow unconscious on a dirty bed.

“ Aww, did we wake you? Carlos said his voice dripping sarcasm. Taylor was punched on the jaw. “ This isn't what we agreed.” Taylor said  but he knew this is how they worked. He had  done this to many people. “ Oh really! Since when did you play fair? Haven't you and your fucking brothers taken Lily  from me? Then you fucking forced her to be pregnant. Uggh!” Carlos yelled.

A table was brought before Taylor containing torture devices.  Carlos took a small sharp knife and stabbed Taylors thigh. Taylor gave no reaction. “ You took her away from me and rape her. Now you're trying to heal her. Let me just show you how healing is painful. ” Carlos said with evil glistening in his eyes. He ordered his men to bring hot water mixed with salt and poured it Taylor's thigh. He groaned in pain.

When Carlos tried to get to Willow Taylor called and said rude things to him, he was trying to prevent him from hurting Willow. This resulted to Taylor being punched and being shot where he had been cut.

“ Momma!” A soft voices called. “ The baby woke up.” One of the men said and the rest chuckled. She crawled away in fear but Carlos pulled her hair and took her in front of Taylor. She screamed for Taylor to help her . The poor girl was so scared and found it hard to breathe. “ She has nothing to do with this ! Let her go! ” Taylor demanded as he struggled to free himself. “ But she does. She is nothing but a product of rape. I'll make sure to kill her in front of you!” Carlos was crazy. He pushed the little girl and in the process, her fragile head hit the table painfully and once again she fainted. There was another problem, her scalp was bleeding and she was loosing a lot of blood.

Unknown to them, Lily was outside that room. She couldn't hear anything because all the walls were soundproof. Suddenly, she heard a gunshot behind her and someone groaning in pain. She turned to see Joshua covering the area above his heart. He was shot as he tried to protect Lily. He quickly shot the other guy. He slid down the wall and urged Lily to leave but she looked at him sadly then she went towards the basement of the house. Joshua tried to stop the love of his life but he was too weak to utter anything.

Just then, the door burst open and Lily was in the room in nothing but her pajamas. She did not waste a minute nite and ran to Willow. All the men gawked at her lustfully. “ STOP FUCKING LOOKING AT HER!” Taylor shouted. He wasn't happy by the men's reaction and it was then everybody came back to reality.

“ They've found us!” Carlos whispered looking slightly scared. Taylor quickly got rid of the ropes and punched Carlos. He took his gun and killed every man in sight except for Carlos because he was holding Willow. “ Put your FUCKING gun down or the girl dies!” He ordered . Taylor had no choice but to comply. Lily cried and got on her knees. “ P-please Carlos! Don't h-hurt her.” She begged as salty teats kissed her cheeks. Carlos' glare softened on seeing her.

Suddenly, the room was filled with Aaron and Joshua. Carlos knew that he was going to die. He was sad that he was never going to get the chance to have Lily and raise his family, he knew it was his time to go. He gently put Willow down and smiled at Lily sadly. He whispered a small ‘ I love you ’ to her then gunshots rang through the air and Carlos was no more.

Before anyone could say anything, they heard an explosion from upstairs. Joshua carried Lily who was in shock and couldn't move. He had been shot but he had to get her to safety. Taylor fell down. His body was too weak to move. He dragged himself to Willow . He told Aaron to take her. Aaron tried to take the both of them but they were too heavy. Smoke started filling the room. “ Tell Lily, I-I love and I'm s-sorry...” Taylor said weakly as he tried not to close his eyes...

Luckily, four of their came to the room and took him out of the building as Aaron carried Willow. They were all rushed to their private hospital.

On the way, Taylor caught Lily's hand weakly and said, “ I'm sorry Lily. P-please forgive me.” He begged. Lily didn't want him to loose energy by talking for he was already too weak. “ I forgive you but please don't talk.” She said as she held his hand. Then he closed his eyes and let out a small sigh. She tried to wake him but he wasn't waking up...


Lily stood outside Willow's ward. Joshua and Taylor were undergoing surgery . No one knew who was and wasn't going to make it.

Aaron hugged Lily tightly as tears ran down their faces. The doctor came out Willow's ward. “ She has lost a lot of blood. She needs a blood donor immediately.” The doctor said. “ I'll do it!” Lily volunteered hoping to save her daughter. “ I'm sorry Mrs Knight but your body is too weak right now but I suggest Mr Knight here should do it. I confirmed that he is her father through DNA.” The doctor said and glanced at his watch to shoe that they were running out of time. ” Aaron didn't hesitate and went with the doctor.

Lily stood by herself feeling lost . She prayed that everyone would be okay. She couldn't help but blame herself. If she hadn't tried running away then no one would be hurt. Yes, she didn't want anyone including Taylor and Joshua to be hurt. Now here she was, standing alone as four people fought for their lives.

Soon she was allowed to see Joshua, his surgery was a success but he hadn't woken up. Although he was unconscious, she found herself hugging him. Just then , Roger and Thea entered the ward. “ My baby...” Thea said. She also hugged him. It hurt to see like that. Personally, Lily knew the pain of seeing your child laying on a hospital bed, not moving. Mr Knight looked at me and said sorry. She wanted to tell him that she was part to blame but no words came out of my mouth.

She was surprised when Mr Knight followed Thea and her to the prayer room. He got down on his knees and prayed and for the first time, Lily saw him cry. He was crying for his son's. Hopefully, God would answer our prayers.

When they came out, there was no information on Willow and Aaron. Suddenly, they saw doctors rush into Taylor's room...


Hi Marafiki.


I need your opinion, do you guys want the brothers to die? I need to know so that I can update .I know most of you don't like them but still 😔

Anyway, I hope next year will a better year than 2022. It's been a tough journey.

Please vote🙏

Bye Marafiki and God keep you safe.

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