Creeper Runaway

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Max was basically becoming important immediate role model for little Ivy.How so?The two were barely less then 24 hours in and here was Max teaching Ivy to do her first howl.She didn't quite understand so she began to snap and whimper at Max who was overfilled with joy and sunshine...basically everyone in the subway was aweing at your doggos, finding them so overly adorable together.

A loving big brother and little sister bond beginning to grow between the two...

As that was happening, a small smile on your face at your two doggos adorable selves, but divert your attention to your phone; A text message was sent to you.

So that's where the worthless pup went?Glad you like them.

Confused shitless you look around, too many around you at the time, but grew self conscious of this text.Who the fuck is this mother fucker..?

The moment the subway stop, doors open, you rushing out of the subway with Max in tow as Ivy cradle in your arms like a baby.Your arms were full of groceries bags but did you care?Fuck no.That creep who texted you gotta be in that subway train with you, of course your no where near Harely and Ivy's place, but stay in there?Fuck that idea.May as well call a mother fucking taxi once you get out of there.

Barely up the stair case, about to get out of the subway completely, your phone vibrates loudly causing Max to tilt his head in confusion.Did you read it?Nope.Get the fuck out of the subway was your main priority.

Take care of yourself, and doggos, frist.Always.

Actually don't pick up the phone.Go to a public store and call your female soulmates to pick you up.May take them a while, but fuck that.Your not gonna pick up your phone and see what that creepy mother fucker wrote.Hell to the no you are not.

Picking a store, which literally has crowds of people in it, run in to the desk.It was busy but the women could tell something was wrong, even when the sign says no pets allowed in the store, diverts all her attention on you.

"Sweetie are you okay?You look like you been through hell-.."

"Do you have a phone I can use?I NEED to make a phone call."

She didn't hesitate "Yes, here you go!" and give you her phone.Your endlessly grateful of her but immediately began to dial Ivy's phone number.

Out of the two Ivy will 100% pick up her phone unlike Harely who doesn't give a shit much..

Within two seconds Ivy picks up, confused by the new unknown phone number "If this is a prank call I will hunt you done and make your life a living hell to the point you wish you were never born on this god forsaken earth-."

"Ivy, it's just me.Please pick me up."

It was obvious she was more confused  but grew consern due to how your voice sounds through the phone "(Y/N)?Why are you not calling me on your phone?Are you okay mi amor?"

"I'm okay just in a store, the name of it is Margitas." You say, the women who offers you her phone checking in on you to gareente your okay and near by, soon telling Ivy a little more "Someone on the subway has my phone number, I don't know who or how it happened, so I ran here without hesitation.Please come pick me up."

An immediate "I'm on my way love!" was all you heard before the phone call ends, the time was less then four minutes..

"If you like you can come over here and sit down?" The kind women point behind her work desk, an empty seat available behind her work place, seeing your distress state for way to long "My boss will most likely ask questions but I'll make up something if that so happens."

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