Fair Business

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"Take off the sun glasses."

No word came from you as your sitting in a rather comfortable expensive sofa, nothing around you but your soulmates who dearly wish to see your eyes just once, did not dare come close as Max seem to have beef with all members of the Wayne family.He even had some beef with the rest of the your soulmates here, none dare come near you due to Max bearing his beautiful white fangs, the only one to touch him is you no one else.

Even Garth and Barry were getting growled at, their attempts to befriend the dog was thrown out the window completely.

"Why in the hell did you run off?" Tony stark, Ironman the overly smart trillionaire, was beyond pissed on your actions, wanting answers to why you ran "Once you accepted the bond you gotta meet everyone of us in the eyes!Everyone knows that!"

Vision agrees, yet says says some words of his own "And to think she could hide from us for this long?I'm not ashamed of this but rather very impress of her skills."

Both Raven and Aruthur look at each other, seeing if they were thinking the same thing, but was stopped as Max growls loudly at the one behind the sofa.It was Wally, Damian, and Bucky who tried to come behind you and plain on ambush you, in hope to see your eyes behind those sun glasses.Max shuts them down by almost biting off one of the few fingers of Bucky's hand.Now his attention was fully alert.He in sat in your lap to gareente no one dares do something he will definitely dislike.

Smiling you ignore all the questions of your soulmates, instead petting Max for protecting you "Good boy."

This pissed off everyone alone.Why are you ignoring them?Fucking talk to them for fuck sakes!!

At some point Clark, the man of steel, finally spoke "I see that your showing no signs of corporation.In all honesty, I see what your-."

"I hate to be the sore thumb but I don't believe you see what I am going through.You got no right to think you know what's best and what is not best for me."

All of their eyes widen, usually that never happens to Clark of all people, yet he tried again.A little more to just crack your composed shield of authority.

"You think this is fair? All of use were accepted by you but now that we, those who are present, are here your still not giving us a chance?Just...Take off the sunglasses will you-?"

"You don't seem to know the meaning of fair Mr.Kent.I was being fair the whole time, even in that gym, and you say I don't think fairly?Your quite in the wrong to say all this ya know." The sunglasses seem to slip down, and to destroy all your soulmates chance to see your eyes, your pushing back up to their displeasure, not once flattering in your words "I never knew how many soulmates I have till that day, yes I thought it be maybe around one or three, but fucking 27?Bitch that's a scary number.But with now finding out the sudden news I did not wish to break no ones hearts so in order to not to I ACCEPTED all of you!Clark nothing in life is fair but to tell me I'm not playing fair?You don't even know."

"Still why not show your eyes?" This one was Wally, who just eyes Max as he dose in return, tilt his head in questioning "In order to seal the deal we gotta make eye-to-eye contact."

You dearly want to turn around and slap him, but with so many around you, you refuse to even show then your reaction. If they don't see your eyes, they don't deserve a single reaction from you.

Your done with them, their begging and nagging, this is when you state your own voice.

To tell them all to back the hell off.

"I may have accepted your bond but dose not mean you earn the rights to invade my life, my fate is in my hands as yours is in your own.My eyes are none of your business so do me a favor and choose your words wisely."

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