Overnight Request

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Mrs.Crow needs you to pull an all nighter at work.Usually you don't do that kind of stuff but once she mention why she chose you, which was because you work better then everyone else here, with a bonus pay for doing only all nighters....so yeah, your in there multitasking by your lonesome while Max sleeps in the open cabinet that once was a place for a dish washer.

Harely and Ivy were upset but understand your reasons, for god sake they saw that little sucky apartment you so live in, so they drop you off.Soon heading off to do their thing.

You have their phone numbers already in your contacts before they left..

"Max?" You didn't see him napping in his cubby, once in a while glancing around to see if he was near you "Max, come here boy!"

Max however was napping but something caught his attention.A smell he hasn't smelled yet before.As your working on the last meal of the day he gets up to find where this smell comes from.He usually dosen't follow his nose but he was to curious on what produces this new smell...

Once the customer was done, payed and all, it was time to close up shop.By the words of Mrs.Crow she says after work is finish close up the small café.Then clear and restock all that is needed, then leave at 10 P.M and lock up the door.Simple really.

"Max!" As the door was locked, sign saying close, your attention was to find your dog "Come on buddy!Come here!"

So your search began.You looked at places he could literally fit in, every dark corner and cranny, underneath all the booths, even the kitchen but no Max.

Where did Max wonder off to?

Pausing in your steps the fimialer click clacking of paws echo down the hallway.Why was he at the emergency exist? Not hesitating you grab a broom and cautiously went towards the sound.Once Max came out of the corner he stops mid pant, tilting his head in confusion at you holding the broom, looking as if you were gonna beat him into a pulp.

Sighing your grip loosen on the broom, kneeling down to pet Max as well as pinch a chunk of his cheek "Stop running after things you aren't supposed too, okay Max?"

"Holy shit you are so pretty!"

Gripping your weapon you swung the broom at the intruder, which didn't go as planned, was caught in a unsettling position.Very....ya know...

"Barry what the fuck man!?"

"I-I didn't mean to go this far I'm so so so sorry I..." His eyes held so much fear and regret but just one peek at your stun shock eyes, it calmed him down and feel nothing was butterfly kicks, a goofy smile slowly appears "...God...I could look into your eyes all day."

At this point he was pulled off of you.Your cheeks flare up as butterflies  brew in your stomach, once again realizing this man was also your soulmate.Swallowing your pride, very tempted to wear glasses to stop all this from even happening, you look over to see The Flash be scolded by no one other the Beast Boy.He noticed your staring and waves stupidly, a goofy smile of his own.

Max sits down next to you, seemly happy and confused at the same time, but gets head pats by Beast Boy.

"Good boy." his attention turns to you, who just stares up at him like he is an alien from another planet, chuckles lightly, hand out to help you up "Your not going to run and hide in a cabinet again are you?I heard everyone struggled on opening it."

He was the frist to see your eyes...

Taking his open hand, up onto your feet, you give him a shy but serious glare "Not my fault you all began to hunt me down at school." just to walk off and begin cleaning the café.

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