Protective Creatures

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Time was slow.

From this angle, facing the sky as you fall, you find Max struggling in the air with you.All his golden smooth locks being thrashed around and tangled in knots by the harsh chilly air.Both of you knew it was the end of the line.

Reaching out you succeed to grip onto Max's collar, pulling you and him together, and held him as time flew pass.

If your going to die, why not die with your dog?

Yet your doom never came for your caught in the arms of the dark knight.His grappler was retracted to be aimed at the window you two fallen from.The one arm around you dared not to let go as your back up there, from where you two fell, to be safely set down, holding Max close as well as hiding your face deep in his untamed floof, was hidden behind a sofa by the dark knight.

Nightwing saw this, sighing in relief "Thank god you were near by." soon became nervous, Batman finding him upside down, plant bound "Mind giving me a hand here?"

By this time Poison Ivy was tied up with a semi-conscious Harely that chants 'Marshmellow' once in a while.All the three bat boys did not notice both Batman and Knightwing approached them, each congratulating and fist bump each other, but faced them once a loud rough cough from Batman himself was heard.They all shut up and faced the two.

"Sooo...where is the hostage?" Red Hood trys to say something, Batman just glaring at the three bat boys before him.

A heavy tired sigh finally comes out of Batman "Alive." He points back behind them, all the members spying the golden tail that barely moves behind a sofa "She and her dog could have died, your even lucky I made it in time."

Ivy struggles with the rope, still outraged by the sudden intrusion "What in the fuck do you mean by them dieing?I told (Y/N) to stay in there!"

Robin tilts his head "So that's the hostage name." as he now stares at the sofa, tempted to waltz on over there.

Ivy began to growl at Robin, she didn't like that look on his face, her anger rising "Don't you even think of getting close to her!That's our soulmate!Ours!" She didn't mean to let that slip out, but it came out.

Everyone froze.Now unsure if they heard it right, waiting to process it slowly, face the woman who caused their confusion.As that so happens not long Harely comes back from her self consciousness chants.She finds herself tied up with Ivy.Surronded by all members of the bat family...

That's till she spot Max tail, hiding behind the sofa, scream on the top of her lungs for him to come to her.

Max did.

He came running to Harely.

He was very happy dog as he ran over but stops by the wall of which each bat hero made.His happy go lucky behavior immediately switched over into in disgusted anger, growling and snapping at whoever dares touch him.It was so bad even Robin, the animle lover, was not able to befriend the over enraged Max.Clearly none of then have a chance to befriend him after trying to save his owner's life by his lonesome.Just to fall to their was to be doom as well.

No help was ever provided.

He hates every single one of them.


"See?You made the nice big doggo mad!" Harely snickers as Ivy smiles, calling him over "Let him through, he knows us."

Each member didn't know if they should, but to see how the dog reaction is, they moved aside.Immideatly Harely and Poision Ivy got slobbery kisses and constant affection.Seem the dog truly dose trust them..

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