Night Talk (Heardtale RCP arc)

Start from the beginning

"Oh, o-okay." the boy replied, not quite understanding what his dad meant. They were in silence again until the boy broke the silence.

"Hey, Dad?" the boy said

"Yes, buddy?" the man asked

"Will we tell anyone about this place in the future?" the child asked

"Let's see, Conrad. Maybe we'll tell someone." the man replied, with a smile on his face


".... 'Let's see', right? Heh, now it's clear what you meant then...." Conrad said. Now the boy more or less understood why this place was familiar. He once spent time here with his biological father. He doesn't remember him so well but he remembers that they had a good relationship: they played, had fun, spent most of their time together. By the age of six, the boy had lost his father. After the death of his father, his mother paid little attention to the boy and after some time she also died. The child up to 9 years old was in an orphan home until he and another boy, Kim, were taken into foster care, more precisely, Jin signed an application for the adoption of these two and since then they have lived under the same roof with rescuers. Conrad just looked at the sky with a sad look, the stars twinkled, some bright, others not very bright. And really, such a sky was really calming, albeit a little. Conrad sat down on the ground and looked at the stars again. They seemed farther away, but they still shone and flickered.

'No wonder you liked the stars so much.' the boy thought and smiled faintly with sadness at this thought, and it's true, such nights are rare and beautiful, such nights are worth cherishing, the beauty of such nights sometimes strikes to the heart. The nature here is beautiful, a refreshing light breeze. He and Kim often ran away during the day to similar places, even found a place with a lake that could be considered a myth or something like that. He closed his eyes for a while, letting the wind envelop him.


"Kim, where are we going this time?" Conrad asked his friend

"To a clearing with a lake!" Kim replied

"Wait, is there such a clearing at all?" Conrad said doubtfully, adjusting his round glasses

"Yes, I heard about this place when you bought us juice. I found out from the guys who were there how to get there," Kim replied in his usual relaxed manner. Conrad just nodded and continued to follow Kim. After some time, Conrad stopped earlier than necessary, he noticed something strange in the middle of the trees.

"Conrad? Why did you stop?" Kim asked.

"Kim, there's something glistening among the trees." Conrad replied.

"Glistening? What do you mean?" Kim said, not quite understanding what Conrad was talking about.

"Let's go check it out," Conrad said, and together with Kim they went to check the place. They both went to the place and saw what was lying there

"Are ....these gems?" Kim said doubtfully

"It looks like they are" Conrad replied............



'Damn it' the boy was so immersed in thoughts and admired nature that he did not realize how quickly time passed and maybe someone lost him. He quickly got up and began to look around. He was looking for the one who was screaming. By the aura, he realized that rescuers were looking for him. On his glasses, he activated "night vision" to search better. He was about to start walking when he saw a silhouette to his left. A familiar silhouette.

Heardtale: Robocar Poli arcWhere stories live. Discover now