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After Lino's breakdown, the boy wouldn't let go of his significant other, forcing Y/n to stay over at the boy's house for the night.

"Min," she broke the silence, not wanting to do so but she was dying inside.

"I need to get up."

The boy's head popped up, his lips forming a slight pout. "Where, I'm coming with you."

"Unless you want to watch me pee, I suggest waiting here."

The boy immediately let go of Y/n, feeling heat rising to his cheeks out of embarrassment. The girl chuckled and got up to use the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Lino remained sprawled out across the bed for a minute before deciding to get up and get a glass of water.

As he walked past the living room, he witnessed a drunk Seungmin and Jisung putting all their weight onto poor Hyunjin. The two drunk boys were singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Hyunjin seemed like he was near his breaking point.

"HYUNG! HYUNG!" Han broke away from Hyunjin's grip, Hyunjin's mouth agape as he realised that Han could walk perfectly fine all this time.

However, Jisung tripped over the sofa leg and Lino quickly caught him. With his head looking down and his voice fuzzy, Han spoke, "I have a qooestion, Hyunjin didn't answor properly."

Hyunjin sighed in frustration, deciding to leave Lino with Han as he dragged a clingy Seungmin over to his bedroom.

Lino also led Han to Seungmin's room, but it felt like an impossible task since the boy was tripping over every particle imaginable. And he wouldn't be quiet whilst doing so.

"Do ya theemk, obcheeously in theory, thwat drinking feeftey canz of reed bool conswectively would make my seensez heightened or would I joost die?"

Lino let go of Han as he fell onto the bed. The boy groaned and grabbed onto Lino's leg. "Anwsar mee," he muttered.

"See? Full on drunk," Hyunjin stated. He stretched his muscles as Lino just sighed.

"You'll probably stop before you could reach 50 cans, Jisung."

"Really? That's upsetting," he murmured, slowly closing his eyes as he fell asleep.

"Man, how much did they drink?"

"Seungmin had just one bottle, you know he's a light drinker. Jisung had at least five though."

"Five?!" Lino exclaimed, clearly alarmed.

"Boy wouldn't stop," Hyunjin sighed. "If I tried to stop him he'd give me a whole lecture on how letting himself go helps in overall mental health and performance."


"Yup, I'm off to Lix's. Good night." Hyunjin left the room. Lino also soon left after placing a blanket over the two boys.

He grabbed a glass of water like he intended to when he left his own room before heading back. When he entered his room, he stopped in his tracks, seeing Y/n looking at his old family picture.

"Oh, Min. These are your parents right?" She gestured to the frame on Lino's desk, waiting for an answer.

Lino quickly broke from his trance and went to sit down on his bed. "Yeah, they were..."

Y/n got up from his desk and went to sit down next to the boy, holding onto his hand for comfort after noticing his empty expression.

"Y/n.." he started, and the girl just nodded in response, waiting for an answer. "What exactly does Minho think of me?"

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