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Lights dim, curtains drawn, open windows with a harsh, freezing cold breeze hit the boys' faces as they were gathered in one large room.

After Yeosang died, it was no surprise that the whole group was shaken out. A deadly silence filled the room, even the cries coming from Wooyoung - who was the closest to the dead boy - was muffled and contained by his own hands covering his face.

"What do we do now?" Hongjoong asked for the third time that same day.

They had been gathered all day, and yet had thought of no idea at all of what move they should aim to do next.

This time, however, the killing silence had been enough. Lino stood up with clenched fists by his side, inhaling a deep breath before speaking up, "Peniel wants me, right? He's trying to get to me."

Seonghwa sighed. "I know what you're going to say, but-"

"Just hear me out" he cut the boy off annoyed.

Seonghwa stood up abruptly, crossing his arms across his chest with a firm look. "No, you're not going to act by yourself. And no, you're not luring him in and catching him that way."


"No, you listen to me for once in your darn life. Don't act rashly and hurt yourself, for gods sake. We're all frustrated too, but do you see us throwing our lives out there like it's worth nothing? We can't loose any more people, Lino."

Lino looked down, knowing he was right. All he wanted to do was catch Peniel, but not waiting for the right time will only lead to disaster.

"We're not getting anywhere" Seonghwa muttered, glancing around the room. The seven boys were all staring at the floor, as if it were the most interesting thing to have ever existed in the entire universe.

He let out yet another sigh before walking off, only to be pulled back by Lino.

"What are you-"

"Stay in one place, all of you. It's safer that way."

"And unpractical. We all go to different schools, how do you expect that to work?"

Lino let out a soft sigh. "You know what I mean."

"...Fine, fine... but what about you and your friends?"

"How am I supposed to explain it to them without exposing myself?"

"Right... we'll stay as safe as we can, you do the same. We'll stay low until this all dies down."

Lino nodded as he grabbed his phone from the couch. "I'll get going, Chan's probably worried about me right now."

Seonghwa nodded in understanding, silently watching as he left the room.


Lino was walking back home when he saw Y/n on the opposite side of the street. He smiled softly, all the worries suddenly being washed away as his mood completely flipped the other way round. He looked to both sides of the street, crossing it once it was clear and running up behind Y/n to scare her.



Lino watched her freak out before bursting out into laughter, laughing endlessly like a maniac.


Lino peeked into the bags whilst attempting miserably to calm down, only to start laughing again.


"I'M BROKE OKAY!" She mumbled curses under her breath as she stomped away.

Lino, being the great gentleman he is, quickly ran up to her, grabbing the bags she was holding.

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