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Y/n led Lino out of the scene and to the park, going over to a quiet area where no one really went to, but it was still a peaceful and decent looking area.

She sat down on a bench, pulling Lino to sit down next to her. Lino let out a huge breath, staring off into the distance whilst his leg unconsciously bounced up and down.

Y/n observed his facial expression and his body movements carefully. What he did definitely bothered him, it was obvious.

Y/n put one of her hands onto Lino's leg to stop it from bouncing up and down. He stopped moving, his body tensing up and he bit down on his bottom lip a little too harshly.

"Lino" she spoke softly, trying to not put him in a worse state than he already is in.

She let out a soft sigh when he didn't dare to move, using her free hand to cup his cheek and turn his face so that he would look at her.

"A penny for your thoughts?" She asked with a small smile, looking straight into Lino's painful looking eyes.

He got hold of her hand, bringing it away from his face. He looked away with a soft sigh, trying to blow his bangs out of his eyes.

"I don't share thoughts, no matter how many pennies you give me."

Y/n reached up her hand and pushed his bangs behind his ears so he could finally see properly. "Really? What if I give a hundred? Two hundred? Hell, I'll even give five hundred if you want."

He chuckled slightly, looking down at his feet as he started swinging them back and forth. "Where will you find five hundred pennies?"

"I'll go to every bank in the city, I'm that determined" she spoke cockily, making Lino smile a little at her cute humour.

Silence fell between the two, Lino in deep thought.

"...I nearly killed him, you know" he eventually spoke, in a serious tone.

"You lost your temper, it can happen."

"And if I killed him?" He looked to his side to look at her. "Would that be excused because I couldn't contain my anger?"

"But you didn't, that's what matters. You just have to make sure it doesn't happen again."

"It's not that easy" he stated, looking down to avoid Y/n's piercing gaze. "I have so much hate towards them, especially Peniel. He nearly killed Jisung, for gods sake. God, I can't imagine what would happen if I met him again. What if I loose myself agai-"

Y/n put her finger on his lips to stop him from rambling. Lino's eyes widened, looking up at her with a surprised look.

"Don't say or think that, that'll put you even more down. You have to believe you can hold it in for any chances of you actually succeeding, so do just that."

Lino stayed silent, mesmerised by her soft, yet piercing eyes. His gaze dropped down to her lips, feeling deja vu as he remembered the similar scene from the cafe that was not too long ago.

Last time, he was confused by himself, not understanding why he had gone feeling limp and fuzzy so suddenly. But now he was certain of what he wanted.

Too out of the right mind after what had happened before, he didn't have time to think it though before his body moved itself.

He inched forward, holding onto the back of Y/n's neck whilst he captured her lips with his own. He felt a spark of euphoria run through his body, encouraging him to deepen the tight sealed kiss.

Y/n was frozen still, more shocked than anything else for her body to be able to respond.

Lino was kissing her. Lino. The supposedly cold hearted, suppressed Lino. He was kissing her.

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