Down into the abyss of pain, loneliness and hate.

I woke up with a gasp, my eyes shot open with tears trailing down my cheeks. I raised my hand and up to my face, fluttering my eyes shut and wiping them from my tears.

"A nightmare.." I sighed and looked over at the window.

Morning rays shone brightly through the window blinds, illuminating parts of the room with a warm and gentle glow. My eyes fluttered shut again as the light cut through my eyes, taking my time to adjust to it.

I slowly rose up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom to take a cold shower. It sort of helped me to forget the things I see, and emboldened me.

When I did the morning stuff such as brushing my teeth, making the bed and taking on my daily set of clothes, I heard knocking.

I went down the stairs up to the door and opened it just to see Frisk.

"[Y/n]!" She said before hugging me tightly, as I sighed in relief.

Yeah, she really manages to change someone's mood from terrible to good in just a moment.

"Hi there, Frisk." I said, letting her go.

"Surely grew up after all the time, huh?" I said before messing her hair up.

"Hey!" She blurted out in mock annoyance before turning out into laughter.

"So, how can I help?" I yawned.

"I wanted to say thanks for your little gift." She said shyly.

"For the third time?" I chuckled, waiting for her to respond properly.

"Well, you always looked dull during this week.. So I just guessed we could go for a walk?" She said before looking at the street.

I also turned my gaze there. It was a really great day outside. Sun shining, people and monsters walking around..

"Yeah, I guess?"

"Great!" She smiled and I took on my cap, now laughing because I remembered that I lost one in the Underground.

I closed the door and then looked up at her again. It just surprised me on how she's always smiling and trying to cheer up the others despite the toxity of our society.

"Where to?" I asked

"To the park!" She giggled before running forward.

"Hey, wait for a second!" I laughed as I followed her.

Such moments reminded me of our earlier childhood, when we were fooling around on the street and didn’t think about anything. At that age, a sense of responsibility seemed alien to us, as if the whole world revolved around our town.. But by the time I got out of my thoughtful trance and caught up with Frisk, we were already at the park.

"So, uh.. How's stuff going in the town and the political world?" I asked just to break the silence, looking around and seeing everyone around having fun. Some were having a picnic, someone just played games and the life seemed to go as it should.

"Well, nothing special to be honest. Although on the political side.. We managed to give monsters somewhat more rights than they have right now: They could create companies, they have the same treatment as humans do.. Almost!" She spoke every word with a sense of pride.. It was quite sweet and funny, although the work of an ambassador is quite difficult.

"Great to hear. But, I'd like to ask one more question if it doesn't bother you." She turned at me with a confused look.

"Say.. What's off with all that well.. Chara stuff?" I asked as I saw her eyes widen a bit before she trembled lightly, stopping and looking to the side.

A Wicked Smile Where stories live. Discover now