Ch 16 - Showing the world the truth

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Marinette POV

I open my eyes to see... oh my friends and Felix's friends.

"Omg she's awake!" they say before giving me a big hug.

"Move will you please," a voice behind them says.

They then move. Felix was there with a kwamii? What?

"Ayy why you lookin at me funny, Felix why is the girl looking at me funny?" the kwamii with wolf ears and tail says.

"Probably wondering why you're here," Felix said.

"Ph well then, I'm here because Felix well needed Twilight but civilian Twilight is grounded and has no where to escape, so I came instead, don't worry though no one knows who Twilight is except me," the kwamii explained, "Anyways I'm gonna heal you,"

"Okay then, I like your ears and tail but why are the tips blue?" I question

"Oh well it's to show that I'm using my healing powers right now," he explained to me.

He then hovered his hands over my wounds and then they were gone! What was him name... ummmm Razor?

"Your name is Razor right?" I ask

"Yeah it is anyways no that I've healed you I gotta go!" Razor says before disappearing.

 My friends went up to me and continued the hug.

"Hey do you feel fine now?" they asked.

"Yes I'm fine, but I think you guys are crushing me," I say

"Oh sorry," they say before getting off me.

"I have dirt on Lila," Felix said randomly.

"What?"I questioned

"The security cameras in the kitchen caught her fighting you for some petty thing," Felix explained 

Chloe then said, "We could post that and ruin her reputation slightly!"

She loves ruining things for people. Well at least this time it's helpful, we can show the school that and then Lila will get caught for bullying!

"Umm guys might wanna see this," Nino said pointing at the TV which was showing the news.

The headline was 'New hero bully's school girl for no apparent reason'. WHAT THAT LIAR! We all look at Felix as we heard growling. He was real angry.

"She, that bastard! Twilight did it for us!" Felix yelled

"*gasp* Felix swore again!" Claude said.

"Shut up Claude," he said.

Lila was on the news having an interview with Nadja, Manon's mother.

"Well he blinded me last time for no reason and then Marinette Dupain-Cheng andher friends laughed at me for it," Lila lied.

There was a crash from above them. Something fell down.

"You..." Twilight said in the sternest voice, "You think disrespecting me someone who is near god, and you go to the depths of hell where even the devil can't see you,"

"What now you're bulling me on live TV!" Lila said

"Stop bullying the girl!" Nadja said

"I have dirt on that girl, she's a disrespectful brat and she hurt my best friend's, friend," he said before he brought a large screen with the video the security cameras caught.

The video then played, everyone saw it, how she beat me up badly.

"That was once only! He's hurt me more then once and no one knows how old he could be, he could be an adult, which means he's doing child abuse!" the rat said.

His ring then spoke, "No one has every had the audacity to say these things to my holder as they are afraid of him, but you did, that girl you hurt, she was out cold from 7pm to 12pm, thats 17 hours!"

"Thanks Razor now, lemme just do something," Twilight said before leaving.

5 minutes later he came back in the form that he was in when he made us that TV yesterday.

"Now I can deal with you properly!" he yelled, "Rats like you deserve to drown for about 30 minutes, that should be long enough so that you feel what drowning feels like without dying,"

Suddenly he made this large tank full of water and threw Lila in there, on live TV. Chat then came in.

"Hey calm down!" he said to Twilight.

"No," he said.

"Are you akumatised?"

"No, now all the people of Paris, watch the girl drown for 30 minutes as punishment, I might throw a cat in as well, if he doesn't behave and gets in my way," Twilight said.

We watched for 30 minutes of course though we were enjoying Lila trying to get out of the tank and losing her oxygen. Chloe was even recording it. Twilight then took her out.

"How did you like that Lie-La, hmm, this wolf bites hard as well so hard that one bite can cause so much blood loss you'll die within 10 minutes," he yelled, "People of Paris this is what you get if you try or do mess with me and Hawkmoth don't think of akumatising me, I can do what I want, like control you like a puppet,"

Damn was he scary but I think my heart is beating real fast.

"Now I must leave, you shall all fear me now and never try piss me off!" he said.

Felix came back.

"I was there you know, and it was awesome," Felix said

"I think I'm afraid of the pretty wolf now," Allegra said.

A/N Hi guys I think that now it's hard to guess who is Twilight now but I won't tell you never ever. Also you like the justice they got on Lila, I enjoyed writing the bit where Lila was drowned, fyi.

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