Ch 14 - Some info about the dreams/nightmares

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"Hey we talking about me, are we ladies?" a voice from above says.

I look up, it was Twilight but why is he hanging from the ceiling like a bat?

"Umm why are you here?" I ask

"Omg look that tail and ears so adorable!!" Allegra says full of excitement.

"I am not adorable, I am someone you shall fear if you get on my bad side," he says obviously annoyed at what she said.

"Umm are you going to answer my question?" I ask

"Oh yes, I'm here as I heard my name," he said, "Anyways whatcha doing?"

"We were discussing Marinette's dream," Juleka told him.

"Well can someone show me it or explain what happened?" he asked

"Can you make us a TV so I can plug this is in," she said while holding the weird hat thing.

"Okay be right back!" he said.

After a few minutes he came back with a large TV and some popcorn?

"Got it well more like made it," he said.

Kagami plugged the thing in the TV and she chose what to play. This thing is recording my dreams!? Who made it!?

"Kagami, who made that?"

"I don't know actually, just fell out of the sky but it had a note, here it is," she told me before handing me the note.

It said 'here you go Xiao stick this on your head when you sleep so we can prove you're gay. Also if someone else is reading the note this means it failed to get to where I wanted it to be, so keep it. Hope you enjoy, Lenno :)'. Well that explains, theres other worlds and this guy called Lenno can go between them.

"Can we watch now! I wanna know what is was about!" Twilight yells, "Also the guy who wrote that asked for it back, he's over there,"

"Hello can I have it back after you do what you want with it first," the Lenno guy says in a really goofy voice, is that really his voice though?

We watch my dream. Just seeing it made me feel like I was there again and I don't like it.

"Hmm that dream is what could happen later if she does something wrong but I will be there when it comes so don't worry for now," he explained, "The Felix being immortal bit is what I haven't given him yet though but as I said, I will prevent it from happening by being there and one thing this is not supposed to happen until your like 17-18 but my appearance must be why it may happen much sooner,"

"Wow how much do you know!!" Allegra exclaimed as her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"A lot due to my kwamii and my powers, now- wait. What's that," he said before his eyes looked around the room without moving his head with his ears also moving in the same direction he was looking in.

Suddenly there was a bunch of screams. Oh god please don't tell me someone's been akumatised. If it's Lila again. I swear everything angers that girl, but maybe Hawkmoth didn't akumatise her 2 days ago because he was ill or something?

"Stay back, I'll take care of this. Actually run away back to where you were before you came here," he said looking at the window as the villain was outside before running into battle.

"Hey you guys try distract the villain as much as you can with everything you get. He did do us a favour we still haven't repaid minus Allegra though but I bet you wanna help a hero," I say, "I'm going to use the things from this room while you guys get things form others!"

They all nodded in agreement. Once they were gone I look at Tikki.

"Tikki spots on!" I exclaim.

I then jump out of the same window Twilight had earlier.

"Hey Twilight! Why has Chat not come?"

"Why hello. He hasn't come as earlier he said to me that he was ill and was barely able to get out of bed to see either me or you. Luckily I had found him," he says.

"Hmm well you can use our powers but this doesn't mean you're better than Chat," I said to him

"Yes I know. Do you have a clue who this is though," he said pointing at the villain.

Wtf it was Volpina again! I'm glad me and Twilight are smart actually correction me, Twilight and Chat -even though he isn't here- are smart.

"Why look at you Ladybug. I hope today without your precious kitty, I'll get your miraculous and my revenge on you!" Lila- I mean Lie- I mean Volpina, geez I've gotta get it right.

"Don't under estimate me, you kitsune of illusions! I can do anything and you'll never get mine or Ladybug's miraculous!" Twilight yelled.

I can see he's studied some Japanese before as kitsune means fox I think from what Kagami's taught me. 

"Yeah you'll never be able to take their miraculous!" my friends yelled as they thwacked her while Allegra looked crazy excited behind them on her phone probably telling the boys to come see the action.

I love those guys so much!

"Take this, illusion!" Volpina yelled while blowing her flute.

"Illusion!" Twilight yelled

There was one illusion that Chat was not ill and was with Volpina obviously her illusion and then an illusion of me and him giving our miraculous. Omg Twilight is a genius, making her believe that I've given up because now she doesn't know that we're going to attack her. Hold up what happens when illusion us take it off

"Ladybug use the charm," he whispered to me

"Okay," I reply quietly, "Lucky Charm!"

Cotton wool? What am I supposed to do with that. I look around. I see if I stick this in her ears and use the broom Kagami is holding, I can prevent her from seeing. I can get Twilight to get rid of both illusions and then take that rip-off pendant from her and smash it.

"Hey can I have that broom?" I ask Kagami

"Here," she said passing it to me

I run up to Volpina as she watches the illusion us slowly take off our miraculous. I stuff the wool in her ears and put the broom right in her face.

"Twilight! Get rid of the illusions!" I yell as I grab her rip-off pendant and rip it off her.

I smash it with all my might as I hate Lila, while Twilight got rid of the illusions.

"Bye bye little butterfly," I say after de- akumatsing it and before I throw the cotton wool up it the air "Miraculous Ladybug!"

A/N Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you have a great day/ night today. Also what did you guys get, I got some Genshin merch, a nezuko hoodie and a make your own plush kit.

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