Part 1: There was an attempt

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Butler: Pls be kind enough to wait here, I will inform them of your arrival

the butler later leave the lounge and shut the door behind him, and then they come ten military guard they all quickly come to barricade the door quietly, and it turn out the butler was actually a man behind a disguise, he a Staff Sergeant of the army

Myth POV:

We sat down and waited for the butler to return, we suddenly realize something

We sat down and waited for the butler to return, we suddenly realize something

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Calli: guys, did anybody of notice something was off about the butler here

Gura: yeah...he forgot to give us a bell

Kiara: Huh...Oh yeah the bell

Watson: a bell?

Ina: Oh, right

Gura: you know, the butler bell

Kiara: yeah

Calli: well you're not wrong about that, but why would he still be here if he is the last butler here, he didn't properly introduces himself to us as well, and he didn't tell us about what happen to the people who own this place

Ina: maybe he didn't want to talk about it?

Kiara: maybe this place meant a lot to him, he is an old man after all

Watson stand up and look through the window

Watson: well he did said that he is 80 already so who know

Gura: Yeah, may be we are overthinking about it

Ina: Yeah, I mean it's been calm since we got here

Calli: Wait, isn't too calm like where everyone, really

Watson suddenly saw a set of flash of light from a near by building

Watson: guys...GETDOWN!!!!!!

Watson quickly ran and pushed Gura down

*Gunshot fired~

Staff Sergeant POV:

Staff Sergeant: *whisper~ Is everyone in position

random soldier 1-10: *whisper ~ yes sir

Staff Sergeant radio his to see if they are in position

Staff Sergeant: We are ready here, Is everyone in position

random soldier 11-15 are trained sniper (not highly trained)

random soldier 11: Alpha, standing by

random soldier 12: Bravo, standing by

random soldier 13: Charlie, standing by

random soldier 14: Delta, standing by

random soldier 15: Echo, standing by

random soldier 16: Foxtrot, ready to light up the show

VTuber War Vol.1 (The Plot)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ