Chapter 21: You Can Look... And Touch...

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The Bellas were back at the Royal Rumble. Eager to prove they had one last run in WWE in them, they were fighting fit and ready. And despite Nikki being eliminated by her old rival, Charlotte, and Brie making it to the final four of the Women's Royal Rumble match, before being eliminated by Bayley, they admitted they were not done with WWE, and on the Raw after the Rumble, they announced their intentions to go for the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship, putting Damage CTRL on notice.

Nikki: Dakota, Iyo, Bayley, make no mistake - we may not be as good as we used to be...

Brie: But that doesn't mean we're gonna just sit back and watch you three ruin the women's division, nay, the women's EVOLUTION that we helped build!

Bayley: You may have started the evolution, but that's in the past. WE are the here and the now, and if we have to prove it to you by beating you to a pulp, then so be it.

The trio smiled at each other, before smirking back at the Bellas.

Dakota: Just... not tonight. You're not worth our time...

Just as the Bellas looked as if they were about to brawl with Damage CTRL, the Raw general manager, Josh Stevens, a former multi time US, tag team and the longest reigning Intercontinental champion, interrupted.

Josh: Ladies, ladies. I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement. How about this? Bayley, Dakota, Iyo, you can find a tag team, any 2 women in the back to face the Bellas. And they will face off next week. Should Nikki and Brie win, they will face you at Elimination Chamber for the belts. But Nikki, Brie, I do have to be fair. So if you two do not win the match next week, then you two will never get a match for the Women's tag team titles as long as Damage CTRL are champions. Do we have an agreement?

Nikki and Brie pondered the stipulation that was issued, for a brief moment.

Nikki & Brie: We accept.

Damage CTRL looked a little skeptical, but Bayley was happy about the stipulation added.

Bayley: Say bye bye to your careers, Bellas!

One week later, The Bella Twins were in the ring, making their long awaited return, curious to see who Damage CTRL picked for their mystery opponents. The trio then came out, Bayley with a mic in hand.

Bayley: Ladies... it's win or bust for you tonight... so here's who we picked...

First, out came the returning Nia Jax, to a very hostile reception, as she had made her return at the Royal Rumble. And as for her tag team partner, Bayley had called upon Chelsea Green's usual partner, Piper Niven. Together, the unlikely duo looked to end the Bella's careers.

15 minutes later...

Nia was crawling to the corner, as was Nikki, both eager to get Piper and Brie into the match. And they did just that, Brie getting the upper hand momentarily on Piper, connecting with a few Yes Kicks, and knocking down Niven with a missile dropkick. Just when she was about to go full Brie Mode, she was pulled out of the ring by Nia, who threw Brie against the barricade. But as she went for a spear through it, Nikki sneakily snuck around the ring and pulled Brie to safety, while Nia went full speed through the barrier, leaving her motionless. The Bellas then both got Piper on Nikki's shoulders and hit the Rack Attack 2.0, before Brie locked in the Yes Lock, with Piper not holding on for long and tapping out.

Samantha: Here are your winners, The Bella Twins!!!

Bayley and Damage CTRL were furious as to what had happened, and couldn't believe the result. Nikki got a mic, and pointed at the tag champions.

Nikki: Well, ladies... we did it. And now, we are laser focused on you! So keep those belts warm, because come Elimination Chamber, we are taking them from you!

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