Chapter 10: Lacey's Sass and Ass

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As a mother of 2 daughters, you couldn't have blamed Lacey for thinking she had the life of her dreams. A cute as anything newborn, a young girl making her way in the world, and a loving, caring, devoted husband. There was just one thing missing - the loving, devoted husband. He had packed his things and left shortly after Sunny was born, as he felt that throughout Lacey's pregnancy, he wouldn't be able to handle running around after more than 1 kid. As she was still on maternity leave, she wasn't due back for another few months, so she was taking every single moment possible with Summer and Sunny. But she couldn't help but notice one thing missing - a man in her life. It had been 3 months since her husband had left, and she had not felt like this for a long time. With Sunny in bed, she and Summer were watching the men's Royal Rumble match, and not just any man in the match, but Summer's favourite, Smackdown superstar Josh Stevens, a close friend of Lacey, and a man whom she admitted she would love to be in a relationship with - had her husband not been on the scene.

Summer: Come on Josh!

Lacey: You really like him, don't you, sweetie?

Summer: Yeah!

Lacey: Well, I have a little surprise for you! He's going to be here for the next few days, to give us a hand around the farm.

Summer: YAY!!!

And Summer's cheers continued as Josh eliminated both Kevin Owens and AJ Styles at the same time to win the Royal Rumble match.

Mike: Here is your winner of the Royal Rumble match, Josh Stevens!

Lacey couldn't help but smile at Summer, before unknowingly staring at Josh's body through the TV. She almost got lost at the sight of his biceps and his 8-pack.

Lacey: If only you knew...

Summer: What, Mum?

Lacey: Sorry, sweetie. Mum was talking to herself. Anyway, you go and get ready for bed, I'll be up in a minute.

As Summer ran off to her room, Lacey began to feel all warm and tingly inside. It was clear that Josh had done something to her in order to make her feel like this. She slowly slipped her hand down under her pyjama bottoms and felt she was a little wet down there. She played around with herself at the thought of Josh taking her and making him hers.

Lacey: Mmm... Oh Josh... right there...

She took it a step further and stuck 2 fingers inside her to tease herself even more, imagining it was Josh's fingers. The closer she got, the more she was muttering under her breath, careful not to disturb the girls.

Lacey: That's it, baby, that's it! Oh, I'm gonna... I'm gonna...

Lacey then tightened up around her fingers so much she reached her orgasm. Now she knew what she wanted. She wanted Josh, and she was going to get him. She then washed her hands and after she had cleaned up, went to check on Summer and Sunny, who were both sleeping.

Lacey: Goodnight, my girls...

The next day...

Lacey was feeding Sunny her breakfast while Summer was staring out of the window, waiting for Josh to turn up.

Lacey: He'll be here soon, sweetie. Now come on and eat up - I made your favourite...

Summer: Mmm... pancakes and berries!!!

Lacey: Just how you like it, sweet pea.

As Summer chowed down on her breakfast, Lacey got Sunny cleaned up and put her in her bouncer to play and watch cartoons, while Lacey went upstairs and pondered on how she was going to get her way with Josh later. She then remembered the red lingerie she had been saving for just such an occasion, and put it under her bed so the kids wouldn't notice. But then...

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