chapter13 shaking heart❤

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Leo opened the door and a middle-aged man entered. Unaware of this, Palin , who was playing with the vegetables that Leo had chopped in the kitchen, came there when he heard the sound.

“Leo look I made......... ”

His words got stuck in his throat when he saw the person next to Leo.

“ YOU MADE?....”

Hearing that rough yet stern voice even Leo began to panic  and tried to hide somewhere from that man

I made....... troubles?”

Lin asked questioningly and flashed a very innocent smile.

“Your smile won't work on me today Lin......”

After hearing those words Lin understood that his plan A failed, so he started to execute his plan B.
He smiled at Leo apologetically and said....

“Papa....... I know what I did was wrong........ but this man didn't allow me to call you....”

When Leo saw Lin's Oscar-worthy performance, he knew something was up.
But soon he froze there, motionless, hearing that he was included in the little devil's conversation.

“oi what did I do? ”

Without caring Leo's question Lin again started....

“he kidnapped me Papa........ ”


“don't try to lie...... My Papa is a lie detector , right Papa? ”

“Sir he is lying. I didn't kidnapped him, he was the one who begged me to take him here ”

After listening to both sides, Mr. John approached Lin and pinched his ear.

“You little.......
How many times do I have to tell you not to lie  huh? ”

“Papa it hurts ”

Lin's eyes swelled with tears. And Leo  felt sorry  for him.

“Sir Lin won't do this again ...... Please give him one more chance ”

“yes yess..... give me one more chance papa........if anyone tries to kidnap me again I will let you know that beforehand "

“you will never change ”

Saying this Mr John freed Lin.Leo chuckled hearing that.

Thank you for taking care of my son....... ”

“Papa his name is Leo. You are in his house but still you don't know his name.”

I didn't asked your opinion here......
Anyway Thank you son for taking care of this troublemaker.........”

It's all right sir... ”

Then he turned towards Lin.

“I heard you find a boyfriend, that too a handsome one.... Where is he Lin”

Now it is Leo's turn to sweat. He know that only Lin can save him from his father's wrath. But based on his past experience he doesn't  trust Lin's ability in this matter anymore.

“ Papa..... Nancy is lying ”

I didn't mentioned Nancy's name here ”

Palin wanted to slap his own face for being stupid .
At first he  failed in executing  plan A, then plan B and now his plan C has also failed. Cursing his bad luck he looked at Leo. That lost puppy face he is showing melted Lin's heart.something inside Lin told him to save Leo.
So after taking a deep breath he said,

“Papa  I am telling the truth..... I don't have a boyfriend. Nancy is angry at me for rejecting her when she proposed me. That's why she told something like that to you... ”

“okay I trust you, but.... ”

“I know what you are going to ask me..... Leo is Molly's friend.”

After hearing his son,John had a satisfied look on his face. He is not bothered about his son's love interest. But he is worried about Lin's safety. He will do anything to protect his son.

“Good. Now come with me, your Mama is worried about you....... ”

After saying this John hugged his son.
On the other side Leo danced inside his mind in the joy of escaping from the hold of death.
Lin smiled at the relieved face of his 'fake' boyfriend. Leo also returned the smile until the little devil winked at him.He thanked God because Mr John didn't see that. go first, I will follow you”

John raised his eye brow at his son.

I put my phone to charge, I'll pick it up and follow you ”

“Okay ”

After making sure the old man has leaved Lin approached Leo.

“Thank you for saving me from your Papa”

Lin didn't said anything. He just stared at Leo.

your Papa must be waiting there......

Suddenly Lin hugged Leo.
Leo who don't know what to do just stood there like a sculpture.......

“If you hold me, your hand will not shake”

Lin said while hugging him more tightly.

Wh-what? ”

“your hands Mister..... They are shaking ”

Only then did Leo notice his shaking hands. And suddenly he felt shy......
So in an attempt to hide that and to tease the other person he said...

“My heart is also you have a remedy for that too”


Hello friends ☺️

Did you notice one thing, all these 14 chapters including the special chapter take place on a single day. But we already reach more than half of this story........

[Thank you all for ignoring my mistakes and supporting this story ]

See you soon☺️

With ❤

Meenu 🥰

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