chapter9 I am your responsibility 🥺

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"Then I saw you "

God I am not prepared for this....

"you- you were looking... so handsome a-and I... I thought...."

"so you used me to escape from there right? "

"yes.....when I saw you a new door opened in front of me....... I couldn't shut it.... So I thought of using you and told her........ "

"......... "

"God...... This is so embarrassing..... "

Wait.... Is he blushing.......he is looking so cute now......I wanna pinch his... Chee-

"So I told her that.....

[ Our little Linnie is so shy to say that loud..... So as a responsible parent I will tell you what the hell actually happened
There 👻]

Nancy proposed Lin in front of her parents and looked at Lin with a wicked smile
"why are you so silent son?
Don't you like her? " Nancy's mother asked Lin with a wink.
"oh dear he is just shy.... Let's talk to his father, wedding is not a small matter right?"
Upon hearing her crazy parents Lin started to panick.
He couldn't even utter a word against them. Because they were his father's best friends and former business partners.
So he looked around to find a way to escape from this evil family. To his luck (or Leo's bad luck )he found a handsome man sitting on their opposit. And in split seconds an ultra bright bulb flashed inside his head. And he said

"I am sorry uncle..... "then he pointed at Leo, "you see that HANDSOME man wearing blue shirt.... "

"yes.. "

"he is the love of my life.... "

"................... "

"he is my boyfriend and future husband. I can't cheat on him. I am very loyal to my hubby~"

The evil family looked at him with utter shock. None of them speak any single word Until Nancy decided to spit her well prepared nonsense.

"Are you fu**ing blind?.........
look carefully......this........
this is a freaking guy....

" don't have to remind me that he is a GUY .............and everything about him is good to me.... "

"Are you gay? "

"Are you that dumb or what... I love him and i wanna marry him someday... and ofcourse by looking at him anyone can tell that he is not a freaking Disney princess......
he is a man......
my man......
I am gay for him..... "

[So my job is done here... Bye~]

Leo's pov

I can't believe he said that to her parents... Lin is really crazy... That explains why that old man did that.
Who will be not furious when all your plans collapse in front of you because of a guy....
And I think beside her father's arrangement, Nancy really likes Lin. That is why she also did her part by pouring her drink on me....

"Lin...everything is done now. There is nothing more we can do...........
So I've forgiven you.....Lin go back least you didn't fall into Nancy's trap....if there's anything else I'll give you my phone number just give me a call"

Yes. I decided to forgive Lin. Because actually he is the real victim here. If he hadn't done that earlier, things would have gotten worse

"what are you saying?
You are my fake boyfriend now. So i am your responsibility. I don't wanna go back home..... So please take me with you... 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺"






See you soon. ☺️

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