chapter12 The underworld Don 😈

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Leo was cooking their dinner, suddenly Lin popped out from somewhere and stood behind Leo

"why are you cooking this slowly ? "

Hearing the little devil's voice Leo startled. To avoid his embarrassment he glared at Palin and said

"This is not your mansion and..... "

"and? "

"I am not your servant so don't be a spoiled brat and wait there "

But even after scolded by Leo, Lin stood there with an unreadable expression.

"what's with that face? "

"Nothing I was just thinking...... "

"Thinking?...... Wow, that means you have a brain."

Ignoring the insult Lin started.......

" I was thinking about you being my servant"

hearing that Leo turns towards Palin and stared at him for a minute.


"hey don't need to be can't be my servant because......... You are looking like a model.... Soooo cool and handsome............ "

Leo's face became more red and he showcased a proud smile 'so he has a good impression on me' he thought

"so my Papa won't hire you "

'did I miss something? 'Leo asked himself

"why did you say that? "

He asked out of curiosity completely forgetting the source of this conversation

"do you want to know? "

Leo nodded enthusiastically

"Then come closer..... "

Lin motioned his fingers towards him.
And the other person gulped seeing this.....

"for wh-what? "

He stuttered.

"It is a secret...... and secrets should be said in this manner..... My Mom taught me this"

"ok... "

Leo moved towards Lin and lower his head for Lin to say that 'secret ' because the other person can't reach his ears due to their height difference.

" Can you say that now sir? "

"My Papa won't hire good looking people as my servants, because he is an overprotective father......... One time he even threatened one of my classmate for asking me out to a date..... and another time Papa cancelled a big deal with a Client just because he winked at me..... Only my mother and I know this side of my father....."

"last year I gave a love letter..... "

Without letting him finish what he was going to say Leo asked

"lo-love letter? "

"Don't interrupt me while I'm talking"

The seriousness in Lin's voice scared Leo so he immediately closed his mouth.

"so I was saying that, last year I gave a love letter to my papa's secretary...... But that loyal monkey gave it to my Papa..... do you know what happened?"

"what happened? "

"First Papa planted a slap on that poor Man's face, then he threatened him saying that he would fire him from his job"

Leo's POV

What.... But it was Lin who gave him that letter right....
Then why did his father threatened his secretary when the fault was on his son's side?

"But why did he slapped his secretary?
You were the one who gave him the letter right? "

"That's my Papa....
It is true that sometimes he scold me and hit me on my head, but he loves me very much, he will do anything for me.He won't even hesitate to kill anyone for me "

Wow. Did I invited an underworld Don to my home?.
According to what Lin just said, his father will definitely end my life for Lin's doings.

Hell he even slapped his own secretary for receiving a love letter from Lin. Then what will be my condition when he come to know that his beloved son choose me as his 'fake' boyfriend and future husband?

"Leo... "

"what? "

"What were you thinking.... I called you so many times.... Your phone is ringing "

Oh right......
I took my phone out of my pocket and answered the call.


"you are here already...... "

"ok ok.... Wait a minute sir...... "

I ended the call with a long sigh.
He is here......
Mr John is here for his son ........
That means my end is near.............

"Are you OK?..... You suddenly looks so pale"

Lin asked me worriedly. I just shook my head. Because I was too busy in opening the door to welcome the Grim reaper


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See you soon☺️

With ❤

Meenu 👻

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