chapter 4:crybaby

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what did you say? ”
                                   “Truth ☺️”
                                    “i said truth ☺️”

How can he say that by looking at my eyes while smiling innocently.

“but why? "

I can't help but ask that to him.

                                   “leave it.By the way what is your name? ”

Oh god this is so frustrating. I was asking him an important question. But he is  changing the subjects.And i can't even yell at him for doing that because right now i am 80% sure he is not mentally stable. If he was a normal person he won't behave like this.

How can you say that by directly looking at my face huh?......
Don't you think this is too much?.....
You just said i got punched by a stranger because of you.But  can't see any regrets or guilt on your face.
Also you are telling me to leave that matter right....
Then hear me out, i will not let you step away from here until you tell me the whole story behind this”

After saying all these things i looked at his face waiting for his reply.
And yes finally the smile on his face vanished in to thin air.
With an unreadable expression he looked at  me.

“oi, oi
stop. Why are you yelling at me?
I only asked your name. Weren't you also asked my name earlier?
i am just being friendly with you. What is wrong with that?”

“I.... I didn't mean it in that way..... ”

“ok. Then what do you want me to do?. You want to see my  guilty face right?
I will show you that

He then makes a weird face by opening his eyes more while pouting his lips

“you call this  as ‘showing a guilty face’?
Dude the thing that you are showing is literally so funny. ”

“i tried my best okie.
If you are not satisfied with my performance, then teach me how to do it 🥺

“ok. Firstly you have to......

“.............. ”

“.............. ”

Ahaaaaaaaaaa huuuuuu huuuu”


Oh god why is he crying. I didn't think he would cry over such a trivial thing.what will i do to stop his crying....

huuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuu

Shit.this is getting more worse 😬
I has to do something quickly.
After contemplating some time i pulled him to a hug

“y-you monkey... Why are you hugging me ”

“shh I'm sorry..... Don't cry.... ”

“you a-are a..... b-ad person ”

Then he started to push me away from me.
But me being me pulled him more closer to myself

“yes i am a bad person. A very bad person.
I shouldn't have yelled at Palin.

“yeah you shouldn't have done that ”

After saying that he hugged me back.
I don't know how to explain this current feeling......
But holding him close to my heart like this is  really doing some magics to me.....
Is it wrong to feel this way about a stranger?


See you soon.

Lots of ❤

Meenu ☺️

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