chapter 2:do you like ice cream?🦋

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Leo's pov

Without waiting for my reply the stranger drag me out to a nearby park. Then he said...................
He said..................
He said nothing 😶the only thing he did after we reach there was staring at his shoes.....

At first i decided to wait for him to say something. But later on i found that 'him saying something' is not going to happen anytime in an attempt to start a conversation with him I cleared my throat.....

Again nothing happened.
So i kicked the ground with my shoes making some Fair noise.
But he didn't even spare me a glance. Instead he sat on a nearby concrete bench 😶😶

This boiled something inside me. Because he is the one who dragged me out of that café saying "can we talk outside? "but now look at him. He is ignoring me like i am not even existing putting my shyness away
(the hell when did i even felt shy around him )
I decided to talk to him.

"oi who are you?, why did you bring me here?, and most importantly

I asked in one breath and waited for the stranger's reply. And yes he suddenly stood up from the concrete bench and opened his mouth to say something

"do you like ice cream?........"

I-Ice cream?
Is that all he wanted to talk to me?
Or is he playing with me?

With hesitation lingering on my voice i answered him.
"yes I do"

He smiled a little, and i am not lying when i am saying it was the best smile that i have ever seen in my whole life.It was beautiful..........................

When I was shamelessly admiring his beauty, he said

Wait here for me okiee. Today I will
treat you "
Without waiting for my reply, he ran towards the nearest ice cream vendor.

Is he for real?

Oh god he is so confusing.
Thirty minutes ago he was behaving like a crybaby.
But look at him now.........
I think this is going to be a long day.....

So this is the end of the second chapter of Lin 😁
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See you soon.

With ❤

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