"But-" I tried to interrupt.

"And I'm happy that you found someone that makes you happy as this woman does. Trust me, I am. I haven't heard or seen this lively and carefree version of you in ages. But I also can't stand the thought of you being taken advantage of. We've been through enough stuff together for me to say you don't deserve it and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to prevent that from happening"

Hearing those words coming from her instantly caused tears to form into my eyes, I didn't know if it was the effect of hearing such truthful words aloud or hearing someone being so caring towards me.

"Don't tell me you've suddenly become a crier" she shook her head.

We always used to joke about how good it was that I'd never been much of a crier, since Vic had a nervous laugh that would often come out when someone was crying.

"No, I don't think so" I laughed, wiping my eye. "Sorry, I've just been really emotional lately and hearing what you said made it worse"

"I got scared there for a sec. But really, I really approve you being with a hot milf, but if it means being treated like shit then I don't"

"Vic. Stop calling her that!"

"Only if you promise me to talk to her about this"

"Fine. I will. As soon as I can" I sighed.

"You'd better. I know you too well for me not to know when you're lying, anyway" she shrugged.

"True, I can't escape now. But promise me that if I do, then you'll make a move on that roommate of yours"

"That's not fair!"

"It's perfectly fair"

"Okay. Fine. I will"

"Deal?" I extended my hand towards her.

"Deal" Vic laughed, shaking my hand.

"On a lighter note" I added. "What are our plans to celebrate New year's eve?"

"I mean, I'd say chilling at my place like we always do. If you don't have something else to suggest"

"Yeah, uhm, Mei invited me to this party where she lives and said I can bring whoever I want. It'd be a twenty minute bus ride, more or less"

"Interesting. I'm in. Unless she decides to kiss you and you have to reject her again"

Of course she remembered all the details about that night I'd told her.

"I'll try to avoid that from happening" I shook my head.

I miraculously managed to convince my parents to let me go outside of town for that evening.

I was feeling really excited to see Mei and meet her hometown friends she'd talked to me about. And I felt like her and Vic would really get on with each other.

In the meantime, me and Sam kept on video-calling everyday since Christmas, I even got to briefly meet her sister through the screen. She apparently wanted to go to Times Square for New Year's really badly, and I found it really nice of Sam to agree to go with her, knowing how much she hated that kind of situation.

I decided to postpone the conversation until after New year's at least, I wanted to let her enjoy herself without thinking about these things until at least then.

I even started to spend much more time with my family than I normally would have in those days, to avoid being left alone with my thoughts.

I couldn't bear to even think of the possibility of something close to what happened the previous month happening. And I couldn't really talk to Vic about it because she'd just tell me to stop postponing the conversation.

I'd invited Vic to my place to get ready for the party together, despite my parents still seeming to not appreciate her presence in our house. I couldn't really care less, though.

When she showed me the clothes she'd brought to get changed into we immediately noticed that we'd once again managed to unintentionally wear matching outfits. Although her style was fairly different from mine, we both laughed at seeing the perfectly matched colors of our clothes.

I was basically going to wear what I'd worn for my first date with Sam, with the addition of a white turtleneck shirt under my pale blue button-up because of the cold, mainly. But it was perfectly in accordance with Vic's also pale blue silk dress and the light button-up would wear on top.

"Sometimes I think we can subconsciously read each other's mind" Vic said, walking towards the bathroom linked to my room to get changed.

"For real" I laughed.

As I was just starting to also get changed my phone started ringing, Sam's name revealing on the screen.

"Hey" I said as I answered, smiling as I saw her face.

"Hi baby" she also smiled. I could recognize her room in the background. "What you up to?" she added.

"Just getting dressed for this evening's party. Wanna see my outfit?"

"Sure. Go ahead" she said as I turned my camera to show the clothes I was about to get changed into resting on my bed.

"Those look familiar" she grinned.

"Was wondering if you'd notice" I said, laying on my bed. "What about you? Ready for this evening?"

"Ready to be surrounded by thousands of people in extremely cold weather? Not really. But I'm happy to spend time with my sister and do stuff she's always wanted to do"

"That's nice. Stay safe, though"

"Could say the same to you" she tilted her head.

"Oh come on, nothing terrible can happen. Plus Vic's with me, she'll keep me safe"

As soon as I mentioned her name, Vic walked out of the bathroom.

"How do I look? Please tell me I- Oh. Uhm-" she blurted out as she saw me on the phone and what was on the screen.

"Hi there" Sam chuckled as she saw Vic, before I could intervene in any way.

"Uh, hi. It's nice to finally meet you" she said, more politely than she'd ever talked to me.

"Likewise. I've heard a lot about you"

"Same" Vic laughed.

"Okay, now I'm embarrassed" I said, covering my face with my hand.

"No need. I would have already deduced you'd been talking about me to her anyway" Sam shrugged. "I'll leave you two to your business now. Just wanted to say hi and make sure everything's okay. Hope to meet you in person someday, Vic" she added.

"Sure will" she said. I could tell she was holding a laugh.

"Bye then, have a nice evening and take care. Miss you" Sam smiled.

"Miss you too. Have fun!" I said as the call ended.

"Oh my fucking god Ellie" Vic said, assuring that Sam couldn't hear us anymore.

"What?" I laughed.

"I'd seen the pics you'd shown me. But, shit. She's incredibly hot" she sat on the bed. "And the accent. The accent!"

"Oh, I know" I blushed. "Wait 'til you see her in person"

"Good thing I don't come to uni with you or I'd be crushing on her too"

"Stop" I smacked her arm. "I wouldn't blame you, though. I don't know how I got so lucky"

"I knew you'd get the success you deserved once you got to college" she booped my nose before getting back up to check her appearance in the mirror beside my closet. "Now you get dressed or we'll be late at this party" she added.

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