The girl nodded and for a second Eren was glad that her blindness would keep her from seeeing just how small the hole was. The siblings moved forward together after Ceadda shot Eren one last glance.

Suddenly steps came closer to them, their sound distressing and disrupting the quiet around them. Levi tensed up, his hands once again tightening around the weapons in his hand as he moved closer to the children and Eren.

"Hurry up.", he growled and blew the dark strands of his hair out of his face. Sweat gathered on his forehead and he made himself appear smaller, an animal ready to pounce forward to kill its prey.

"Go on.", Eren said one last time and watched the children move through the hole before turning towards the approaching enemy. He sent Levi a short look and couldn't help the flutter in his stomach as he watched the man. "Think we can take them on?"

"The two of us? Don't make fun of me, Your Highness.", Levi responded with a smirk that didn't quite fit the tension in his body and the swift movement of his eyes. "What about your little powers? Ready to show them what you are?"

The creature inside of him growled at the suggestion and anticipation filled his guts but Eren pushed the lust and lingering need to kill back inside of him. "Nothing would be left if I freed it right here and now."

"That's the reason you're not doing it?"

Eren ducked his head and reached for a dagger himself, hidden in his coat. "I need something I can come back to. Besides, we still have family left here. They would get dragged into this mess."

Levi chuckled lowly. "Clever, aren't we?"

"Don't tell me that's what you fancy about me."

"I don't fancy you."

"Keep telling yourself that."

Their bickering was interrupted by the enemy as the strange soldiers came closer with their arrows in hand. They lined up in front of them, too much of a distance between them and each one put one knee on the ground to support their bows and direct the deadly tips of their arrows towards Eren and Levi.

"If we get out now, we would show them exactly how to follow us.", Levi said under his breath. Eren didn't respond.

They were left without a way out. No matter what, they couldn't escape all of those arrows.

"Admit defeat?", Eren joked half-heartedly as he lowered his dagger. A fight against those weapons was useless with their back to the wall.

"Like hell.", Levi murmured. "Guess that's it, brat."

Eren heard him muttering something else but just as they were about to accept their fate, a screeching noise and the whining of horses prompted all of them to turn their heads around.

About ten horses approached them, the soldiers riding them holding their weapons proudly while screaming their words of reassurements and declarations of battle.

"Get those motherfuckers!"

Levi's eyes widened significantly and the corners of Eren's mouth turned upwards as he recognized the voice.


They were a force, joined by Eren's soldiers as they rode towards them and attracted all of the soldier's attention until they were too busy handling the closer coming force of nature to care about the General and the Prince.

"I thought they were stationed somewhere else.", Eren said in astonishment as he watched them take down enemy by enemy. The body's piled up, the fight went on and the screaming echoed through the night as they watched the tables turn.

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