Fight for the future

Start from the beginning

"Tell them to stop!" I demand Miles.

He looks at me, but I don't see my Miles. I plead.

"Okay, okay. They all happen to not know anything either..." he begins talking.

"What's he saying?" the clan leader asks me, but I don't want to reply until I know where Miles is headed to.

"Let's send a message to Sully then, we'll burn every damn village until he comes out" he says and Slovich victors him.

"No, don't do it" Spider is faster than me to plead.

I won't waste my time. I knew he would end up doing something, and at least they'll be alive. The grand mother will punish me for thinking this way.

"Listen, don't be afraid okay? I'm sorry. I am. I'll try to untie all of you and you have to hurry and put the fire out" I explain frantically as the soldiers start walking towards their homes and I try to untie them, Spider copies me.

"How can you help them?" The female leader hisses at me. She looks quickly to my stomach and clutches her own.

"Don't let your son pay for your sins..." she warns me and I try not to react.

"I'm sorry, please just hurry. And if you can tell the other clans... that the people from the sky are coming, please please let them know. Tell them to be careful" I say.

Miles must've understood some of what I said because I feel him picking me up and start taking me toward the ship.

"I'm sorry!" I shout one last time to my brothers.

"Anatuat, what have you done?" he whispers angrily to me.


"What did you tell him? about warning other people?" he says.

"I- I just..." I shut up. I realize now. I told him to tell the other clans...

Word was going to spread out sooner or later but what I did, warning them like that, maybe I started a revolution and I didn't even know. This could affect us and our plan, this could hurt many more people who weren't supposed to be in this mess.

"Why did you have to do that?" he asks me and with his free hand he scratches the back of his neck.

"Oh no... Oh no. Miles-" I start to frantically look back.

"Come on, if you say anything else is just going to be worse," he says and makes me walk forward.

More blood on my hands...

When no one's watching he gives me the hand and squeezes it.

"We'll make a move soon. Don't worry" he says and gives my head a kiss.

I have to try very hard not to cry and not to embrace him in a hug.

"I'm sorry" he apologizes gently rubbing my cheek and then he goes away.

At this point there are many things in the back of my mind, the war, the fact that I mated with Miles and I'm not sure how my people will react, the burning of these islands... a baby.

My hand reaches for my stomach by instinct.

Bearing a child is a little fast for Na'vi, one or two months faster than sky people, as I once heard Jake say.

Neytiri fought the war while being pregnant... I could too. But Neytiri was our clan leader... and much stronger than I am.

I don't know if my ideas or the sea is making me nauseous but I do something unusual and instead go inside the ship, in the back of the control room. The only place besides out and in my room where I'm allowed.

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