"There you have it guys, Mr Asad is one of the youngest multi-billionaire in Nigeria with thousands of houses all over the county. What do you think he will do with all these house?"... the female reporter stated as she faced the camera.

"Nawal?".... Mr Ahmed called out.

"Hmm?... I .. I mean sir?".... She stuttered as she avert her gaze from the television , her voice slightly shaking.

"Are you crying?"... Mr Ahmed asked.

She was.

She definitely was.

Why won't she? Her reputation was tarnished in front of Asad, he will hate her for the rest of his life all because of a bunch of lies?

"Uhmm"... she cleared her throat and backed him.

"No sir, I..something just entered my eye. I will take my leave now".. she hurriedly said and left the living room.

She rushed to the room to meet Maria knitting on the bed.

"Nawal dear, are you alright?"...She asked when she took notice of Nawal's facial features.

Nawal did not reply , instead , she started fiddling her fingers.

"Come here"... her mother figure, Maria said as she kept her knitting things aside.

Nawal rushed into her embrace and started sobbing.

"Shhhh my child"... Maria hushed her.

"Asad".... She let her tears of pain flow down as she felt her heart bleed with pain.

"It's okay my dear. Let it all out."..Maria felt bad for her.

It's been 10 years and she still cannot get over him.

She thought she had though but she was wrong because the moment she saw him on tv, her heart broke into several pieces.

"Asad... Asad is doing well without me and I am here , trying to get over him"... Nawal cried harder.

"It's okay Nawal"... Maria stated.

"No it's not, I thought I was over him but then all of a sudden I saw him on tv and those mixed feelings came back"... She cried.

Maria said nothing to this. Instead, she stroked Nawal's golden her to calm her down.

Gradually, her breathing became stable and soon began to flow in a rhythm indicating that she had fallen asleep.

Maria placed Nawal on the bed and allowed her sleep.

"Love is very dangerous, it is like a drug . Once you become addicted to it , it's hard to recover".... Maria stated as she watched Nawal sleep.


"There you have it guys, Mr Asad is one of the youngest billionaire in Nigeria with thousands of houses all over the county. What do you think he will do with all these house?"... the female reporter stated as she faced the camera.

Big boss watched through his large television.

"Nonsense"... he stated as he turn of his television.

"I got Aneesa and Suhail killed to make Asad suffer but now he has become a multi-billionaire?"..Big boss anguished.

'Poor miserable man'...Anas thought as he watched the low life man with pity.

"Anas.."... Big boss called out.

"Yes sir".

"I need you to be the downfall of Asad. I do not know how you are going to do it but you have to"... Big boss stated.

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