31: The Devil You Know

Start from the beginning

Matías motions the homeless man to get out of here.

Matías: "Fuckin balloons."

Danilo: "What's wrong with balloons amigo? They bring life to a party." He jokes with Matías shaking his head.

Matías signals half of his team to go around the back of the laundry mat so that nobody of importance to them gets away. Matías sees some cartel members raise up some weapons in the laundry mat.

Matías: "Down!" He says diving to the ground with shots piercing the glass as some shards land on Matías.

Matías gets on one knee as he peaks firing his short barreled M4 in three round bursts as the impact of the 5.56 damages bits of the interior also getting a cartel member in the process with blood splattering on one of the washing machines.

The gunfire temporarily ceases with Matías cautiously standing as he takes aim into the building with glass cracking beneath his combat boots. Danilo is watching the laundry mat as he sees a cartel member shifting behind a desk.

"Oi amigos hold up, got a hostile behind the desk... He's mine." Danilo says lining up his shot and slows his breath.

The hostile has no idea he's exposed with the back of his head exploding into multiple pieces thanks to Danilo's rifle. Matías walks sideways stepping on pieces of broken glass entering the laundry mat with his teammates behind him.

Matías steps over a dead cartel member keeping a tight grip on his M4 and snaps towards the door after hearing movement.

Matías and his team stack up on the door ready to breach. Matías nods as one of his teammates push the door open which he does while Matías tosses in a flashbang.

Matías and his team enter the room as Matías drops a hostile in less than five shots as they secure the room in less than six seconds.

Matías: "This is Ángel 1-1, no sight of the target yet." He says over his com when he sees one of his men trying to question one of civilians but she appears to terrified. "Hey amigo let up on her." He orders motioning him to leave.

Once Matías and the young woman are alone, Matías gently touches her shoulder as she looks up.

Matías: "We're not here to hurt you hermana, we're only here for the drug cartel posted here... If you can tell us anything about this man? It would be greatly appreciated." He says kindly while holding out a phone showing the picture of their target.

The young woman sighs nervously but looks Matías in the eyes.

Woman: "You never heard this from me but he owns a piece of private property on the eastern outskirts of town."

Matías gently smiles thanking her.

Matías: "All stations this is Ángel 1-1, HVT is located on private property east of Guanajuato... Armando you're the closest so you'll handle raiding the compound and bringing in our HVT."

Armando: "Affirm Matías, we'll handle it." He says with the driver turning around in the direction of east with the second vehicle doing the same.

Armando scratches at his face as he has a balbo style beard as he holds his ARX160 by the handguard with his black fingerless kelvar gloves.

Armando: "We are going in hot compadres so do expect any and everyone to be a target." He says as they find themselves on abandoned land with a home ahead. "Ángel 1-1 we may have positive ID on the home of our HVT, Garza ready the Black Hornet Nano."

Garza exits the vehicle pulling a tiny 16 × 2.5 cm drone as it's small enough to fit in his hand.

Garza: "Sending out the UAV now." He says with it flying off as he's piloting it personally with Armando watching the screen of the UAV's prospective.

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