"Why were you still asleep? You never sleep in that late on a school day." Leah scrunched up her nose and asked while we walked to my car that was parked in my parents drive way.

I debating on saying the truth because I know if I did, she would think I'm crazy. "I don't know...I guess I was just tired." I lied with a shrug.

"Ah." Leah nodded her head slowly once we got to the driveway. Leah and I heard something slamming against something else, causing us to look to our right and saw a man hammering a Sold sign on the For Sale sign next door. I furrowed my eyebrows at how quick they sold it. It had only been on the market for two weeks. "They sold the house that quick?" Leah asked.

I looked at it and shrugged before turning to face Leah "I guess so." I replied when her phone went off. She looked at the message she received before squealing "Kyle bought us donuts!" she grabbed my arm and dragged me off to my car while I laughed at her reaction.

"You're such a generous person." I said while chewing on my sprinkled donut Kyle had bought me. Kyle chuckled and threw away the empty pink box in the trash while me and him walked out of English Literature.

"Why thank you Cookie." Kyle called me by the nickname all my friends gave me when I ate all the cookies in the cookie jar when I was thirteen. We walked along the crowded halls while people began to stare at us weirdly. I saw some familiar faces considering 2/3's of our high school class came to this college and some were new faces just gazing at me while I ate my donut.

I personally hate attention. I hate when people look, talk, or see me. For some odd reason it just irritates me. "Why are people looking at me?" I asked with a mouth full of food.

Kyle looked up from the floor and suddenly saw what I was seeing. These looks weren't dirty looks or anything like that, they were more like wondering looks. "I don't know...but I see things haven't changed Vasquez." he smirked. I rolled my eyes and tightened my Math book "I mean you were the Queen of Parties in high school and the most hottest girl in school, maybe your title lives on here." Kyle continued to talk to annoy me.

"I pray it doesn't." I snapped and tried ignoring all the stares coming my way. It made everything so awkward for me.

"Here let's ask someone..." Kyle said and began to search for someone to ask. "Hey kid," he tapped on a guys shoulder.

"Kyle no!" I whispered and apologetically smiled when the guy looked at me.

"Why are people looking at her?" Kyle asked obnoxiously. My eyes widen and turned to Kyle, scolding him in my head for being so rude.

"They're wondering if you're going to Nolan Patterson's nineteenth party. It's suppose to be the party of the year and they wanted to know if the Queen of Parties was going. Are you going?" the guy asked, suddenly getting excited.

"Nolan Patterson? Why does this kid sound so familiar?" Kyle asked as he leaned against the wall.

"I don't know yet." I smiled at the guy, answering his question.

"Well you should come, that's what will make the party even better. Anyways I gotta go." the guy shrugged and took off to his next class. I turned to Kyle and saw him continuing to put the pieces together.

"Where is this kid from Aubrey?" Kyle asked, staring up at the ceiling. I laughed at his facial expression when Jenny came up to us.

"Hey guys." she smiled and walked up to Kyle and pecked his lips. Jenny and Kyle have dated since the 8th grade when Leah, Carla, Jenny, and I met Kyle and David in our English class.

"Jenny, does the name Nolan Patterson ring a bell?" I asked while she curled into Kyle's chest.

"Kind of...Is this about that gorgeous new kid?" Jenny asked and Kyle gasped.

"You asshole! I'm right here J." he stated with a hurt expression.

"Oh shut up, I heard you say Madison was hot." she rolled her eyes and focused back on me.

"Yes it is about the new kid." I giggled at the couple before me. "Well from what I've heard he's a transfer from UCLA." Leah said stepping into the group.

"Then why is he even here?" Kyle asked the question we all had been wondering. You just don't transfer from one of the top rated schools to come here, a small college no one had ever heard of.

"I have no idea but cmon Aubrey, our day here is over." Leah smirked while David and Jenny groaned in jealousy. I smirked and waved bye to the losers who had another class. Leah and I laughed and began to walk to my car. "Wanna grab some lunch?" she asked me.

Just when I was about to say yes, I bumped into a hard rock chest, knocking books out of someone's hand. I didn't even glance up at the person, I bent down and grabbed the books that were on the floor while saying "I am so sorry-" I stood up to hand him the books and his piercing blue eyes were glued to mine.

His plump lips were separated, staring at me in shock. His brown hair was styled in a quiff, he gulped just looking at me in nervousness. You could tell he was bitting his tongue by the way his define jaw was moving up and down. I shook my head of embarrassment and handed him his books "-I didn't see you there." I slightly smiled.

He came out of his trance when he noticed I had handed him his books and he struggled to speak. "N-n-no it's alright. It's my fault I should've moved." Out of the corner of my eye I could see Leah pointing at Nolan's back and waving her hands in front of her face while mouthing "He's so hot."

I slightly giggled and handed him a notebook "It's fine," I stuck my hand out for him to shake "My name is Aubrey Vasquez."

Nolan looked down at my hand and immediately reached for it "Yeah I know-I mean my name is Nolan Patterson." he corrected himself and shook my hand furiously. I smiled and continued to see Leah making heart sign behind him and mouthing "OTP."(one true pair).

"Nice to meet you. I'll see you around Patterson." I smiled and began to walk away from the total hottie. I walked over to Leah and we walked away from him with him burning holes into my back.

"I can not believe you just did that!" Leah whispered and slapped my shoulder.

"Ow! What did I do?!" I asked wincing, holding my shoulder in pain.

"You just walked away from that totally hot guy. You just don't do that Aubrey, you idiot!" she scolded me and I rolled my eyes.

"He wasn't even interested, calm down." I laughed as we got closer to my car. I unlocked the car with my keys and we both approached the driver seat door and passenger door.

"Shut up, he totally was! Can I plan your guys wedding?" Leah asked, fluttering her eyelashes and her eyes turning innocent.

"Shut up and get in the car before I leave you stranded like a dumbass."


I'm so sorry this chapter was so boring **cries**.

So to explain everything about the flashback and stuff like that, Aubrey had a dream of when Jason and Aubrey went to the beach in Chapter 15 in the first book. Aubrey doesn't remember the event and thinks it is a dream when in reality, it's a flashback.

Im so sorry that I updated so late, I was waiting for the other readers to catch up!!

The book will start to get interesting in Chapters Four and Five ;) So what do you guys think will happen in this book? Are you excited?

I love you guys, justinslover69

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