Chapter 6

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Julien's POV:

I was finishing up Raeden's vehicle when I heard an attack coming from the monastery. I put the torch wielder down and ran upstairs. I ran outside and it was a mutant cobra. "What's going on?!" Kary asked. "It seems like we're being attacked by mutant cobras!" I said. "Mutant cobras?! They're a thing??" Tasha replied. "Yes, they are!" Brenden said. The whole monastery was shaking and that's when I realized, Kary had disappeared. "Kary? Kary?? Oh no," I said. "You guys go while I'll get Kary and Adrian," I said. Luiza ran and grabbed my hand. "Why don't I come with you? It'll be best if you have someone to teleport you out," she said. She seemed concerned, but after all we were close friends and close friends never leave each other behind. "No, it's okay, your safety is more important, now go!" I said.

She turned around and teleported the others out. I ran inside and I saw Kary trying to get Adrian out. "Kary!" I yelled. "Julien! I need your help, I can't get Adrian out!" He said. I ran over and got Adrian out. That's when I heard the monastery was cracking, the floor was shaking, and that's when I knew, the monastery was crumbling. We ran as fast as we could but the monastery had fallen. "Hold on!" I said. I activated the vehicles from my tech signal. "AHHH!!" The three of us screamed. When the part was falling, my jet had arrived and caught us right on time. We hopped in and I flew the jet back to the top. When we came back, the mutant cobra had disappeared into the clouds. I knew something bad was gonna happened, really bad..

Asparagus's POV:

I was drinking my cup of tea when Aspirin came in. "Sir," Aspirin said. I put my tea down. "Yes Aspirin? Did you guys take care of Raeden's home and friends?" I asked. "We took care of all of them, no one is no longer alive," He said. "Good, now Raeden will know how it feels like to be alone," I smirked. It was a good idea for him to learn his lesson by seeing his friends perish and him finally being all alone.

I opened his cage door and he stared at me. "What do you want? We already had a chat a few hours ago," Raeden said. He had one of his arms chained to a wall. "I'm here to tell you that I've already taken care of your stupid friends," I said. "Stupid?! Their not stupid unlike you! But what do you mean on 'taken care?'" He asked. "I have crushed your monastery into little pieces with your friends inside, there were no sight of them, they didn't make it," I smiled. "What?!" He said. "How does it feel to be all alone? How does it feel to suffer the pain of losing those you loved?" I asked. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!! YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID!!" Raeden yelled. I smiled, I wanted him to feel pain. I left the room to give him space to sorrow.

Luiza's POV:

"Julien?! Julien!!" I yelled, but there was no response. I fell on my knees and sobbed, if only I was there. I was crying, the only person who was always there for me was gone.

It's been a couple of minutes and I heard a noise, it was Julien's jet! He had Kary and Adrian. I ran towards him when his jet landed, and I hugged him. "You scared me! I thought I lost you!" I sobbed. He smiled, "Well, sometimes you have to make some sacrifices in order to save those who's family." I smiled, I knew that he had to make a sacrifice in order to save those who's family.

No one's POV:

"What are we gonna do now?" Adrian asked. "I know! Maybe I can contact Danika, she just got back from her mission," Zoey replied. Tasha nodded, "It's worth a shot." Zoey got her phone out of her pocket and texted Danika. "She said we could stay. She has about four more rooms, I think that's enough rooms, right?"  Zoey said. "Tasha and Brenden share a room, Megan and Ava share a room, Julien and Luiza share a room, Kary and Adrian share a room, and lastly, Kevin on the couch," Zoey explained. "What about you, are you sharing with Danika?" Ava asked. "Yeah I am," Zoey said.

"Hop in your vehicles and follow me," Zoey said. They all hopped in and followed Zoey.

Raeden's POV:

I can't believe it, my only family left was gone. It was all my fault, all of it. I sobbed quietly, I never cried after my parents died. I had no other choice but to join Asparagus, even though I didn't really want to, my friends were gone, so I highly doubt someone would come look for me. Asparagus came out of the cage door. "Well, do you want to join me now?" He asked. I nodded, I didn't want to reply cause I still felt guilty about what happened. "Good, my first order is to go to this house right here," Asparagus said. He tapped into his globe and it showed Danika's house. "All you need to do is kill your friend Danika," He said. I stared at him. I sighed, "Okay." I exited the room and got onto my vehicle.

It took about 20 minutes to get to her house. I arrived and I broke into her house. I added a note to meet at the top of Borg Tower at 8:00 P.M. and left.

Asparagus's POV:

When Raeden came back, I asked him, "Did you kill her?" He shook his head. "Why?!" I yelled. "It's because I wanted her to meet me at the top of Borg Tower sir," Raeden replied. I laughed evilly, "Oh Raeden, you don't even know what I have planned for you. The war has just begun.."

End of Chapter 6, Chapter 7 coming soon..
Word Count: 1,011

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