Chapter 4

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Raeden's POV:

I woke up and saw myself in vengestone chains. The last thing I remembered was getting mad at Asparagus then zoning out. My mouth was gagged, I guess he didn't want me talking. I shook my head a couple of times since the whole room was shaky and blurry. I was glad there was a clock because I was there for about an hour.

An hour later, the cage door had opened and Asparagus came out. He walked up to me, "Well, looks like someone can't talk.." I was already about to punch him in the guts when I had the chance. "Don't try taking off the gag, it'll only hurt more," Asparagus said. He touched a button on my collar and it started electrocuting me. The zap was way harder than it was before, it was so.. powerful and painful at the same time, I don't even know why..

"I'm guessing that you don't remember anything. Your friend escaped and he ran out of the Cobra Kingdom while you were corrupted. You have let your anger control you, it's like when your an oni and you need to let your anger out to destroy everything. You almost hurt your friend, isn't that the best thing you had ever done?" Asparagus smiled. I looked down and felt guilty. Did I really get corrupted? Was I really hard on Roman? Did the others come look for us? Did he find them? I had so much questions for Asparagus to answer, but no one would ever know if me and Roman ever really did those things.

No one's POV:

Tasha seemed stressed which caught Brenden's attention. He walked up to his sister, "I know your worried about Raeden, but it's okay we'll save him. We already know his location right?" Brenden tried to do something to make his sister smile but nothing seemed to work.

"So, I heard you guys were making a plan?" Tasha asked, she was looking down and had tears rolling down. "It's still in the process, but we're trying our best," Brenden smiled. Tasha wiped her tears off with her sleeve, that made Tasha feel better, she knew that her friends were trying to their best to make her happy.

Ava ran into the room and screamed, she had blood all over her. "Ava!! What happened?!" Tasha asked. She ran over to her friend who had fell on the floor. "It's Adrian! He got shot by a cobra right in front of me!" Ava cried, she had tears in her eyes. "This isn't good! Where is he now?!" Tasha asked again. "He's in the medbay in the monastery. Julien built it," Ava replied. Ava was calm but still was scared about what had happened. "Brenden, stay here and comfort Ava, I'll be right back.." Tasha said. She got up and left the room.

Tasha's POV:

I was running down the hallways to get to the medbay. I opened the door and saw Adrian on the bed. Julien had taken care of his shot, but he was still bleeding. "Kary! Weren't you with Adrian and Ava when it happened?" I asked. "No, I wasn't. I came in when I needed my toolbox. That's when Adrian got shot," Kary replied to me back. I thought he was with them when it happened, but apparently not.

I walked up to Adrian and saw how his vital checks were, they were fine. Although, I did hear Ava say that a cobra shot him. It must be a connection between Raeden being corrupted, I guess they found out where they lived because OF him. "What was your side of the story Kary? I want some info, I've been stressed lately and I just want this all to be over," I asked. Kary nodded.

Kary's POV:

I was walking down the hallway to get my toolbox when I heard some gunshots. I ran outside and saw Adrian on the floor. Ava was covered in blood. I saw the person who shot Adrian, it was Luiza, the master of teleportation. She seemed like she zoned out. She shook her head and ran into the monastery. "I am so sorry! I was just cosplaying as a cobra and I was using this as a prank!! I didn't know the gun was real!!" Luiza said. Ava was already gone by that time, she'd run off and tell someone.

"It's fine. We just need to get Adrian in the medbay station, we need to treat his wound quick!" I replied back. He was bleeding so badly that blood was dripping every time we walked. We ran into the medbay with Julien in the room. "What happened?!" Julien asked, he ran up to Adrian. "I accidentally shot him because I was cosplaying!" Luiza replied. I just stayed quiet while they talked back and forth about what happened.

Tasha's POV:

"That's all I know and what happened," Kary said. I looked down, maybe Ava just misunderstood that it was Luiza instead of a cobra. I got up and smiled, "Thanks Kary."
"No prob Tasha," He smiled back. He turned his back and continued staying by Adrian's side.

Raeden's POV:

Asparagus came up to me and pointed the blaster at my chest, he fired the blaster and I got unconscious.

Oh Raeden, the voice said. He was back, he hasn't been bothering me much as he used to. What do you want? I replied back. The voice didn't come back, I wasn't sure why, it was like he just disappeared. I started to wonder, where was Tasha? Were they looking for me? Did they abandon me? I started to feel frustrated and I started to feel the corruption coming back, one by one..

End of Chapter 4, Chapter 5 coming soon..
Word Count: 967

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