Chapter 18: Spy for a Spy

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Chen laughs "Oh your highness are you feeling alright?"

"What?" Aria looks confused

"Clouse bring the princess to her room to rest." Chen instructs

"Yes master." Clouse bows before taking Aria's arm "Come along."

"What?! No" Aria pulls her arm back "I feel fine."

Clouse pulls her down from the front.

"Lloyd" Aria calls out to him

"Hey!" Lloyd runs over and pulls Aria into his arms "She said she was fine."

"Many who don't feel well say they're fine." Clouse replies "I'm only looking after the princess's best interest, as the royal advisor, who are you to defy the royal family and their staff."

"The Princess herself said she didn't want to go." Garmadon stands up "Who are you as her staff, to defy her?"

"Alright alright!" Chen gets their attention "Everyone calm down, if her highness wishes to stay that's fine. Come take your seat Princess."

Aria takes Lloyd's hand and holds onto his arm.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Lloyd tells her then looks at Chen "She'll sit with us."

"..very well" Chen agrees looking a bit annoyed

Lloyd leads Aria over to Garmadon and the rest of the ninja.

"Are you alright?" Kai asks

"I only told Chen to give back the elemental's power and he tried to send me away." Aria tells them

"He wants to silence you, you must not let him." Garmadon puts his hand on her shoulder "You are the one with the power here, we'll make sure he doesn't try it again."

"Yeah, just stick with us, we'll keep you safe." Jay agrees

"Thank you." Aria smiles


The Elemental Masters and Aria are all in Kai's room.

"Like I said, I ain't joining your little alliance. I'm gunning for that staff." Shade says

"And you'll lose" Aria tells him "Chen's got it rigged."

"Do you think you're that powerful princess?" Shade questions mockingly "You were born with that tittle, not earned it."

Kai growls and balls his fist "How dare you-"

"Guys!" Lloyd shouts "this isn't about an alliance. This is about finding out who is the spy. No one leaves this room until we find out who is passing information to Chen"

"Why are you looking at me, Greenie?" Shade questions "I'm not your spy, try the princess, she's always sitting right next to him."

"Perhaps I can help" Neuro uses his mind "I don't know who, but their are two people here who aren't who they say they are"

"How do we know we can trust you?" Skylor asks "Maybe I should use your power and see inside your head"

"I'd like to see you try, power hoarder" Neuro says

"This is what Chen wants, for us to fight" Kai intervenes "But we don't have to. There has to be a more civilized way around this."

"There is. Everyone who's ever worked for Chen has the Anacondrai tattoo on their back. Find the tattoo, find the spy" Garmadon speaks up

"Anyone object?" Lloyd asks

"Sensei" Aria whispers to Garmadon "The Overlord's mark, it's on my back. They'll all see."

"Stay by me." Garmadon whispers back as Aria moves beside him

The Ninja checked everyone except Shade, Skylor, and Aria.

"Uh, I hate to do this, but it's your turn. Can I see your back, please?" Kai asks skylor

"How could you not trust me?" Skylor questions "I came to you with the fortune cookie-"

"Wait. Where'd Shadow go?" Lloyd looks around

"There he is. Get him!" Griffin shouted pointing at him near the door

"I ain't your spy, and I ain't your friend either. That staff will be mine" Shade says, Lloyd uses his Energy on him, but a portrait of Kai falls on Jay instead.

"Aah! My leg! Get Kai off of me!" Jay shouts

Garmadon tries to stop Shade.

"You cast a long shadow, old man." Shade escapes

"It was Shadow. He must be the spy" Neuro says

"Ow" Jay's freed from the picture, but suffered a broken leg "What happened to our alliance?"

Kai sighs "What alliance?"

Garmadon helps tend to Jay as Aria lets out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry about you having to see all of this." Lloyd walks over to her

"Believe me, I've seen worse, you should see the conference halls in session." Aria jokes

"Well now that we found the spy it won't be long before Chen changes his tactic, we have to be on guard." Lloyd explains "At least now with you by our side, Chen's run out of bargaining chips."

"Was that what I was?" Aria asks

"That's what I'm thinking at least." Lloyd replies "I know my behavior the other night was out of line and I'm sorry for yelling at you, I know you were only trying to help me. I was just worried about you."

"I know, don't worry." Aria smiles "I'm always on your side."

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