Bonus Chapter: Christmas Eve

Start from the beginning

Dean sat up, mouth already opening to protest.

"Hear me out!" you interjected. "Cas can get here within seconds if we pray to him and we'll only be out for half an hour at the most! He's an angel! He can take care of his niece for half an hour. What could go wrong?"

"Have you met him?" Dean exclaimed.

"Well, I don't want you buying a tree topper on your own. I know how that will go," you insisted. "Last year, when I sent you to buy Christmas lights, you came home with a cowboy hat ornament!"

"Come on, that hat looks badass in our tree!"

You gave him a look. "I'm coming with you. Cas will survive half an hour."

With a huff, Dean gave in and prayed to Cas.

A gust of feathers soon landed in the room. "Is something the matter?" Cas asked gruffly.

"We have a tree emergency, Cas. Could you please babysit Mary for just half an hour? We need to rush to the mall and get a new tree topper," you begged.

Cas hesitated. "You want me to sit on your baby?"

Dean groaned and you slapped his chest.

"No, Cas. We need you to watch her for a little while. We've put her down for her nap. All you have to do is make sure she's okay," you explained.

"Would you mind if I bring in some reinforcements?" Cas asked.

You smiled. "Whatever you need, Cas."

Moments later, another figure popped into your living room. "You called?"

Dean jumped up from the couch. "Absolutely not!"

"I could use his help, Dean. He has a son," Cas stated.

"A son who hates his guts, Cas. I am not letting the King of Hell watch my little girl!"

Crowley shrugged. "I've raised many hellhounds. A human child is a piece of cake."

Dean groaned. "Do not refer to my daughter as cake. Not after Lilith's... diet."

"Relax, Squirrel. Babies are not my thing. Far too chewy," Crowley stated plainly.

You paled. "Maybe this was a bad idea."

"We'll be fine," Cas assured you. "We'll watch the child."

Crowley nodded in agreement, a smirk playing on his lips.

Dean sighed. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this."

Crowley shrugged. "What could go wrong?"


"DADAAAAAAAAA!!" Mary wailed.

Crowley had his hands covering his ears. "Christ, that child can scream! What do they feed her?"

"Mushed vegetables," Cas sighed. "Utterly sadistic."

"Can you shut her up?" the King of Hell yelled.

Cas reached out to Mary, about to place two fingers on her forehead.

"Not like that, you useless pile of feathers!" Crowley shouted. "You can't use your angel magic bullshit on a baby! I'm the King of Hell and I have to tell you that?"

"Then how do you suggest I quiet this child?" Cas groused.

"How the bloody hell should I know? Maybe offer her some of those mushed vegetables?"

"I'm not as cruel as you demon filth, Crowley," Cas sassed.

"Fine," Crowley jeered. "I have an idea." He pressed his lips together and whistled loudly. Instantly, a low growl approached little Mary's crib.

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