Chapter 26: Drive-In Theatre Date

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"(Y/N), behind you!" Dean yelled.

You quickly turned around, seeing one of the vamps run straight towards you. You pulled back your machete and swung it as hard as you could. The vampire's head fell to the floor with a thud.

"Nice one, Sweetheart!" Dean called out as he swung his own machete at another vampire.

"Not as nice as your ass in those jeans!" you called back.

"Guys," Sam begged as he struggled to keep two vampires off of him. "Can you please quit the flirting when we're being ambushed by monsters?!"

"Sorry, Sammy," Dean shouted back. "Not my fault my girl looks so hot killing a bunch of vamps!"

You blushed furiously. His girl, you thought. You could get used to him calling you that.

Dean ran over to his brother and swiftly took care of the last vampire standing. He helped his brother up, checking him quickly for any bites or other injuries.

"I'm good," Sam panted. "I held them off."

You joined the two brothers. "We were awesome!"

Dean chuckled. "Yes, you were. Not bad for your first vamp case, Princess."

You shrugged innocently. "Guess I'm just that good."

The three of you gathered your weapons into the duffle bag. Sam took out the gasoline and matches. "I'll clean up," he said.

Dean wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you walked back to the Impala, the duffle bag hanging loosely from his other hand.

You looked up at him with a smile. "Thank you for letting me come on this one. I know you're still not entirely happy with me becoming a hunter."

"I don't think I'll ever be happy with that, but I'd rather teach you than have you go off on your own," he admitted. "You did good out here today, (Y/N). I'm impressed."

You giggled. "Did I kill more vamps than you?"

He scoffed. "You wish, Sweetheart. I killed 5 of them while you were trying to chop that first one's head off."

"It's harder than you make it look, okay?" you defended.

"Hey, I was thinking," he started, changing the subject. "Maybe before we get outta this town and head back to the bunker, you and I can go do something fun?"

You smiled. "Like what? More pool?"

"I'll teach you how to play pool anytime, Sweetheart," he chuckled. "But that's not what I had in mind."

"What did you have in mind then?"

"They're playing The Untouchables at a local drive-in theatre tomorrow night. Figured you and I could go see it." His eyes avoided yours and his hand fidgeted with the duffle bag.

"A second date already? You waste no time, Winchester," you giggled.

"Quit playing with me, woman. Do you wanna go or not?" he demanded. But there was a hint of a smile playing at the corner of his lips.

"Of course, I wanna go! I've never been to a drive-in theatre before."

Dean gaped at you. "Hold on, what? You've never been to a drive-in theatre?"

You shook your head. "Nope."

"Yeah, we're totally going to see that movie. You need to experience this!"

You giggled. "I'm glad to have my first drive-in theatre experience with you."


Dean wrapped his hands around your waist, lifting you up so you were sat on the hood of his car. He quickly sat down next to you, handing you the popcorn he got earlier.

Baby's windows were open so you were able to hear the sound coming from the radio as you stared up at the big screen at the back of the field. They were still playing commercials, but you were already captivated by the experience.

Dean chuckled at seeing your big, (E/C) eyes staring at the screen in wonder. "It's just a commercial for cereal, Princess."

You rolled your eyes. "I know that! This is just so cool!"

"Still can't believe you've never been to one of these things," he said, leaning back against the window. He opened an arm for you and you snuggled into his side.

"I just never had the time, I guess. I was always far too busy with school and then when school was finally over, I started working right away and rarely had any time off."

"Please don't tell me you were a nerd like Sammy," he joked.

You smacked his chest. "I was not!" you defended. "I came from a poor family. I had to work hard to get scholarships, so I could study and get a good job!"

"What school you get into?" he asked, curious to get to know you more.

Between the stress of having demons hunting you and Dean down and the whole soulmate thing weighing on him, he realised he didn't know as much about you yet as he would like. Now, there were no more demons coming after you and you had decided to not let the soulmate thing pressure you two. He could get to know you. Everything about you.

"Columbia," you answered. "Sam went to Stanford for a while, didn't he?"

Dean nodded. "Yeah. Didn't work out, though. I had to drag him back into the hunting life to find our dad."

"That wasn't your fault. Sam chose to stay with you," you comforted.

He sighed, shaking his head to himself. "I should have stayed away from him. Let him get his law degree. Maybe he'd have a family of his own by now. And now I have dragged you into this life, too. You had a good job and you gave it up for what? A life full of monsters."

You sat up, making him look at you. "Don't say that. I made that choice on my own. You had nothing to do with it."

"That demon took you because of me. If he hadn't, you would have probably never known about monsters in the first place," he argued, his voice sounding thick.

"And maybe I would have. It doesn't matter, Dean! It happened and it changed the way I look at life. I wasn't happy at that job. In that life. I have always wanted to help people in a meaningful way and this is a job that lets me do that!"

He sighed. "I know, Sweetheart."

"Then, please, can we stop arguing about this? Stop feeling guilty about me being a hunter because it is not your fault. It was my choice and, if anything, it has made me happier than I was before."

He looked at you with a sad smile. "Just don't go dying on me, alright? I have lost too many people to lose another."

You cupped his cheek and pressed a firm kiss to his lips. "You can't die on me either, okay?"

He nodded. "Okay."

As the movie started, you settled back in Dean's arms. His grip on you was tighter than before, his thumb drawing circles on your hip.

You reached up to feed him some popcorn, grabbing some for yourself as well.

Dean watched you as you stared at the screen. A small smile adorned his face. He wanted this moment to last forever, he thought. To have you here with him, safe in his arms. No monsters or demons coming to get you. Just you and him together, watching a movie on the hood of the Impala. 

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