Chapter 25: Jealousy

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You had found yourself sitting in a booth at a bar with the Winchesters. After some research that morning, it had turned out that a rogue vampire was looking for new recruits at this exact bar. So far, he had killed five people and turned who knew how many more.

As luck would have it, you were exactly the vamp's type. So, much to Dean's dismay, you had come up with a plan to run into this vamp at the bar, get his attention, and then lure him outside where Sam and Dean would finish the job.

It was a solid plan and even Dean had to admit that this was the safest way to kill the leader of the pack before heading into a nest of freshly turned, erratic vampires. But, of course, he wasn't going to admit that.

You sipped your beer, looking around the bar for any sign of the vamp. You had a description of what he looked like. Tall, dark hair, wearing a leather jacket on most nights. Very mysterious. You just hoped the guy didn't sparkle like in Twilight.

"He probably won't go for you if he sees you sitting with us, (Y/N)," Sam pointed out.

"She stays here," Dean said gruffly.

"I can go sit at the bar. You'll have a clear view of me, but he won't be scared off by you two," you offered, wanting to do a good job on your first vamp hunt but not wanting to push Dean's temper too much.

"Don't go anywhere else without us following you," Dean instructed.

You nodded. "Promise." You stepped out of the booth and took a seat on one of the barstools, pulling at the black dress you were wearing. Sure, a dress wasn't suitable for a hunt, but you needed to get the vamp's attention so you had to dress the part.

You had barely finished your beer when a deep voice spoke behind you.

"Now what is a girl like you doing alone at a bar on such a beautiful night."

You turned to face the voice, plastering a fake smile on your face as you did. "You're right. Perhaps you should join me."

He smirked at you, his teeth glistening in the dimmed light. "How could I deny such an invitation from such a gorgeous woman?"

You giggled. "Aren't you a tease?"

"Guilty," he grinned. "So, what is your name?"

"(Y/N)," you smiled, internally cursing yourself for using your real name instead of the fake one you had prepared.

"Tony," he said, taking your hand and kissing the top. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Such a gentleman," you giggled.

At the booth, Dean's beer bottle was about to shatter in his hand from the tight grip he had on it. He dangerously eyed the vamp sitting at the bar with you, images of how he was going to chop this guy's head off already floating around in his mind. This would be a satisfying one.

Dean gritted his teeth as he watched the vamp wrap his arm around your waist, leaning in close to whisper something in your ear. He saw you laugh and knew it was fake from the way it didn't reach your eyes and create those laugh lines he adored so much, but it still bothered him.

"Dude," Sam interrupted his brother's homicidal thoughts, "it's a case. She's just doing her job."

"Doesn't mean I have to like it, Sammy," Dean grunted.

"Just don't take it personally, alright? She's clearly just playing her part as we discussed."

"I'm not taking it personal, Sam! I just want to rip his head off with my bare hands and crush that smug face of his with a damn pipe!"

"Yeah, you're clearly not taking this personally at all."

Dean glared at his brother before returning his gaze towards you. Instant regret filled his chest as he saw the vamp with his hand resting on your face. "Getting real cosy," he grumbled.

"She's getting up," Sam hissed. "Let's go."

The boys got up and quickly followed you outside where the vamp was leading you. The vamp already had you pressed up against the brick wall, his hand wrapped around your neck. "You're perfect," he whispered in your ear.

You groaned in disgust. Noticing Sam and Dean approach, you brought up your knee as hard as you could.

The vamp cussed as he fell to his knees. Before he had the chance to jump up and sink his teeth into you, however, Dean had raised his machete and chopped his head off.

You smiled at him. "Nice swing."

He ignored you, instead turning to Sam and ordering him to take care of the body. He dropped the machete to the ground and checked himself for any blood spatters. When he saw none on his clothes, he grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you back inside.

"Dean!" you called. "What about the vamp?"

"Sammy will take care of it," he grumbled.

"What about the rest of the nest? They're still out there!" you protested.

"Later," Dean stated gruffly.

He stopped at the bar, ordering two beers. He still had his hand wrapped around your wrist.

"Dean?" you tried. "What's gotten into you all of a sudden?"

"Had fun flirting with that guy?" he spoke roughly, finally turning to look at you.

"What?" you perplexed. "I wasn't flirting with him, Dean! I was following the plan we agreed on! And it worked, didn't it? He's dead without any trouble. I did good!"

"Yeah," he said harshly. "You did good."

"Dean!" you protested. "Please don't act like this."

"Like what?" he sneered.

"Like a jerk," you challenged. "I was merely following the plan. He was flirting with me and I let him so I could get him outside just like we planned. And now he's dead."

You could tell Dean was thinking hard. He stared at you, biting the inside of his cheek as he took in the sincerity in your eyes. "Still didn't like his hands all over you," he admitted. He looked calmer now.

You smiled at him. "You have nothing to be jealous of, Dean. I'm not into vampires."

He snorted. "I wasn't jealous... but good to know."

"Are you done being a jerk now?" you asked teasingly.

He grabbed the two beers the bartender had handed him and gave one of them to you. "You ever play pool?"

You shook your head. "No, but I'd like to."

His hand grabbed yours as he pulled you towards one of the pool tables at the back of the bar. "Let me show you how it's done, Princess."

You laughed, enjoying Dean's improved mood. You watched him show off his moves before he handed the cue to you.

He got behind you as you bent over the table, one of his hands finding your waist as the other took hold of your hand on the cue. He pressed himself even closer to you, his breath hitting your ear.

"Is this why you wanted to play pool?" you whispered, a slight blush coating your cheeks.

He smirked. "Gotta show everyone you're off-limits somehow, Princess."

You smiled as he guided you into the right position. You pulled back the cue and let Dean's hand aim, grinning as the cue ball knocked another ball right into a pocket.

"You're a natural," Dean whispered in your ear.

"I've got a good teacher," you smiled at him, eyes sparkling in delight. "You should get jealous more often."

He scoffed. "I was not jealous."

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