Chapter 8: Stuck in The Middle with You

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You shuffled into the room, seeing Dean sitting behind a laptop screen, face frowned in concentration as he clicked through various articles.

You hadn't seen Dean since last night after he got up to get you some water. Only Sam had returned that evening to sit with you for a while and make sure you were okay after finding out about everything that goes bump in the night.

You pulled a chair back and sat across from him. "Morning," you said softly.

Dean's jaw clenched and he forced his eyes to stay focussed on the screen. "Morning," he grumbled back.

"Didn't see you again last night," you pointed out. "Is everything okay?"

"Peachy," he replied plainly.

You frowned, noticing his tense posture and icy tone. "Right," you breathed. "Sounds like it."

Dean only hummed in response, keeping his eyes trained on his laptop. He was researching the demon who took you before you entered the room. Now, he could only seem to focus on how close you were sitting to him.

"Can I help?" you offered.


"I know my monster knowledge is still limited, but I'm pretty good at browsing the internet."

Dean said nothing and you were about to make an indignant comment when Sam entered the bunker, holding a couple of plastic bags.

"I'm back!" he shouted. "Good morning, (Y/N)," he smiled at seeing you awake, the smile growing wider when he saw you sitting with Dean. "Find anything yet?"

"Nope," Dean answered plainly.

"He won't let me help," you pouted.

Sam chuckled. "You can help me instead, (Y/N). I bought supplies!"

You got up and stood next to him, looking through the bags to find anything you liked.

Dean finally looked up from the screen and frowned at how close you were standing next to his brother.

"What else you get, Sam?" you asked, only seeing frozen microwave meals in the bag.

Sam smiled. "I got some vegetables and fruit from a farmer's market nearby, and –" he said, reaching into one of the bags. "Pie!"

You gasped. "Pie!" you squealed. "I love pie! Apple pie, my favourite! Awesome!"

Dean looked at you with wide eyes, a small smirk beginning to form on his lips without him even noticing it was there.

Sam did notice and smiled to himself. "Oh, you like pie, (Y/N)?" he pushed. "So does Dean! Actually, his favourite is apple pie, too."

Dean turned to glare at his brother, mouthing 'jerk' at him.

You smiled. "Didn't think you had such good taste, Dean! Next thing you're gonna tell me you're into Van Halen!" you laughed.

Dean's mouth fell open, a look of horror in his eyes.

Sam snickered. "He is actually. He's got all the CDs."

You gasped. "No way! Me too!"

Dean scowled at his brother, dragging a finger across his neck and pointing at him.

"Could you maybe put the supplies away, (Y/N)? You remember where the kitchen is, yeah?" Sam asked.

You nodded. "Yeah, sure! No problem."

Sam turned to his brother with a smirk evident on his face as soon as you were out of sight. "How's that 'ignoring your soulmate' plan going so far, huh?" he teased.

Dean growled. "Shut up, Sam. You are not helping!"

"Actually, I think I'm being a pretty good matchmaker so far!" Sam laughed.

"Cut it out, Sammy!"

"You have to admit, you have a lot in common. It's almost like she's the female version of you. Wonder how that could possibly be?" he smiled deviously.

"Sam, I am going to kill you if you keep this up."

Sam raised his hands in defence. "I'm not doing anything, man! Looks like that's just the soulmate connection," he taunted.

Dean shot up from his chair. "Alright, I've had it!"

You walked back into the room. "All the groceries are in the fridge, boys!" you said cheerily. You stopped in your tracks at seeing Dean about to throw something at his brother. "... Did I miss anything?"


A few hours went by until the sun began to set. You yawned, rubbing at your eyes that were burning from the hours spent staring at a screen. "I don't know how you guys do this all the time. This researching thing is hard!"

Sam chuckled. "It gets easier once you start figuring out what to look for. I'm sure we'll find something soon."

"I hope so," you sighed. "You guys' bunker is awesome, but it would be nice seeing my own place again."

"Well," Sam began, a smile already tugging at his lips. "Dean can take you back to your place. You can pick up some of your things and then come back here. Right, Dean?"

Dean gritted his teeth.

"Would you mind, Dean?" you smiled kindly. "I'd really like to have some of my things around if I have to be here until you guys find that demon."

Dean's eyes flicked towards you. His insides twisted at the hopeful smile on your face and he had to keep himself from staring. "Sure," he grunted. "We can get some of your things."

Sam smiled proudly. "Great! I'll just keep researching while you guys go pick up some things from (Y/N)'s place."

Dean replied with a sarcastic smile that ended in a glare. He got up from his chair, grabbing his car keys. "Have fun making out with your laptop, Sammy."

You giggled and quickly followed Dean to the garage. It was already completely dark outside, but you wouldn't have missed that car even if the ceiling light hadn't been on. You gasped. "No way," you gushed. "No way!"

Dean's eyes followed you as you ran up to his car.

"No way!" you called out again, looking back at Dean with a wide grin on your face. "This is a '67 Chevy Impala! One of the most beautiful cars out there! And you drive one?!"

Dean couldn't help the proud smile that tugged at his lips. "Yeah, this is Baby," he smirked. "She's a beauty."

You nodded enthusiastically. "Your car is amazing, Dean! Can I drive?"

"Hell no!" he answered quickly. "It took years before I let Sammy drive this thing. I ain't letting you drive it anytime soon, princess. You gotta earn Baby."

You smiled. "So I can earn it then?" you said suggestively.

Dean's confidence suddenly evaporated. "Ehh..." he stammered, a blush creeping up his neck.

You laughed. "Don't worry, Dean! I'm a good driver. I'll prove it to you one day."

"Right," Dean breathed out a laugh. "Sure, princess."

Oh, he was in trouble. 

The Hunter's Soulmate (Dean Winchester x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon